is there a posibility to have dwm (with dmenu) as windowmanager? i would love to see that!!!
Yes. I use both in TC. If you have compiletc, that should be all you need to build them, but you might need to change to point to the proper X11 includes in /usr/local (can't remember positively).
is it impossible then to reach the programs/menus which are shown on rightclick?
If you're using dwm then you can't have jwm running, and so you won't have a right-click menu. You could write a shell script to parse the jwm menu and create a dmenu menu using the same items, although it might get complicated when adding multiple submenus. Another option is to try adding another desktop application, such as dfm. I had dwm running with dfm for a little while, just to see if it would work. A problem occurs when using the default tile mode of have to switch tags to use the desktop menu after opening an application. That woud happen wih any desktop menu application.
Personally I just stick with dmenu, aterm and hotkeys for opening programs.