disappointing, i've never had any problems with it in xubuntu. thanks for trying, hopefully this is a project people will keep an eye on. incidentally, i removed it this week, in my attempts to strip xubuntu down to make it more and more like tinycore, and get tc to do everything is use xubuntu for until i can replace xubuntu entirely.
(this is how i migrated from win to linux also.) on the other computer i use tc every day, i only use xubuntu sometimes (lately just to strip it down.)
since there's no need for kaze and it's not in tc, i'm using ff in both distros. aterm replaced xfce4-term, jwm replaces xfce, i've even configured jwm to be virtually identical to tc in every way (tray, menu, theme.) i removed usplash, now booting and shutdown are more like tc.
i think the main features now are wireless and kompozer, and dosemu. except for games/multimedia, dosemu is faster/superior/better features, but most distros (especially most with 2.6) only support dosbox. i plan to get wireless working in tc one of these days (low priority,) then replacing xubuntu entirely is going to be a lot easier.