I really really really need a way to use TrueCrypt in TinyCoreLinux....
Trying to make a portable truecrypt image i can use on a thumbdrive for cross platform development... I have a real nightmare of a setup to get it working...
TrueCrypt Fat32 image (containing):
- project source code
- perforce ext3 truecrypt image
- portable virtualbox (for osx, and windows)
- virtualbox hard drive image with tiny core linux installed
What I need to be able to do is boot the virtualbox image of tiny core linux and mount the truecrypt ext3 image of my perforce (p4d) server root. Then I can use dropbear to ssh punch through the virtualbox NAT on from the host pc's localhost:port to the guest tinycorelinux perforce server running from the mounted image in the shared folder mounted from the host.
Then, no matter where I plug in my thumbdrive, on whatever OS I am on, I can do development.

So yea, PLEASE make a TCE for TrueCrypt!!!!!!