I have read roberts' way to add a 915resolution startup script, but some of the finer details are lacking due to my own lack of knowledge. So here is an attempt to clarify for myself:
1. Copy the 915resolution [binary?] file to /usr/local/sbin/915resolution. (Not sure from where but I'll find it.)
2. Create a new file: /usr/local/tce.installed/915resolution
whose contents are simply
/usr/local/sbin/915resolution 50 X Y
where X and Y are the horizontal and vertical screen pixel resolution parameters.
3. Make it executeable. (Right-click Rox menu, set permissions)
4. Then tar up your new extension
tar -c / 915resolution.tce usr/local/sbin/915resolution usr/local/tce.installed/915resolution
(is it: create tar file 915resolution.tce from usr/local/sbin/915resolution and usr/local/tce.installed/915resolution?)
5. Copy your new tce to your tce directory.
Here I fall over because tce is no longer used. Should it be a tcz, so at some point should be zipped. Should it be zipped instead of tarred?
Also, why is mode 50 always spec'ed? Is that one used by default? Could it be any other one? If so, how do I tell Xvesa to use any particular mode?