I got the FLTK apps rescaled bigger by changing the Xft.dpi setting in .Xdefaults. I tried 120.0 (133% bigger than default 96.0), but I think I could live with 120.0 (125% bigger than default 96.0) fairly well.
However, there is an issue with FLWM in this mode that the title bar does not grow to show the fully-scaled font and the window sizing buttons disappear, which I think @Juanito has noted before. When I have some time over the next week, I hope to look into this and try to develop a patch for FLWM to better handle the window scaling. If we can also support scaling FLTK aps up above 100%, I'd like to do that too, but at least changing the Xft.dpi in .Xdefaults gives me a bigger "100%" to start from.

I've attached a screenshot, which has a lot of whitespace to help it compress to within the required size limit.
Depending on your graphics card, you could try Xorg-7.7-3d to use hardware acceleration if you have a compatible gpu.
Thanks for letting me know about this, but with just the thinkpad-acpi extension, it is running fairly well... perfectly usable like this. If I feel the need to do something with real 3D rendering, I could look into that.