Hi MikeLockmoore
... corepure64.gz = rootfs64.gz + modules64.gz ...
You can create corepure64.gz like this:
cat rootfs64.gz modules64.gz > corepure64.gz
Rich: I've done it the way you suggested. Earlier I tried to do it with gunzip each, cat them together, then gzip the result.
Anyone: Maybe I'm too rusty and confused about things, but I don't think I'm getting a valid alpha release boot (note: I'm calling it "rc" below because I assume you are close to promoting 16 up to release candidate level soon). Let me explain what I'm trying to do, then I'll look at any advice you have.
Step 1: Boot just the base TC 16 and graphical apps in FLWM built with FLTK 1.4.1 so I can see what they look like on my machine and how they behave. I expect to be able to resize the GUI apps with Ctrl Plus/Minus keystrokes (is this a valid expectation, since they are built with FLTK 1.4.1?). To do this, I have the vmlinuz from the TC 16 repo and the the two system files archives (rootfs64 and modules), merged into a "corepure16_16rc.gz" file as discussed above.
To boot this configuration, I have the vmlinux_16rc binary file and corepure64_16rc.gz binary file on my USB stick under the /boot folder (shows up as /mnt/sdb1/boot when I get it mounted). From the isolinux menu, I select the 16 entry and edit it to look like:
LABEL tc_rc
MENU LABEL Boot TinyCore 16 RC
Boot TinyCore -- version 16 -- Release Candidate --
Boot media is removable. Use TAB to edit options for specific needs.
KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz64_16rc
INITRD /boot/corepure64_16rc.gz
APPEND loglevel=3 base norestore vga=791
But when I do this, I get no X GUI, just the command line.
Step 2: Be able to load some local extensions to my TC 16 config (so I can eventually use WiFi, firefox, and compile software while booted to TC 16). I tried to use the same extensions in the CDE/ folder of my CD boot image on my USB boot memory stick. The isolinux.cfg boot stanza is
LABEL tc_rc
MENU LABEL Boot TinyCore 16 RC
Boot TinyCore -- version 16 -- Release Candidate --
Boot media is removable. Use TAB to edit options for specific needs.
KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz64_16rc
INITRD /boot/corepure64_16rc.gz
APPEND loglevel=3 tce=sda2/tce16 restore=sda2/tce16 vga=791
When the sda2/tce16 folder has an onboot.lst file that includes FLTK-1.3.tcz and FLWM.tcz (and those files in the optional/ subfolder), I get a GUI desktop, but (I'm sure) the old version for FLTK 1.3 as built for TC 15. If I delete the FLTK-1.3.tcz and FLTM.tcz from my onboot.lst file, I get a X GUI where the mouse cursor is only the XWindows "X" cursor (not the normal arrow pointer cursor). The X cursor makes the wbar icons enlarge as I hover over them, but none of them respond to mouse clicks and I cannot get the system menu with right-mouse (trackpad in my case) click.
Thanks for your suggestions and helping this rusty TC user (and hopefully, again, a developer) out!