All I can say is... wow. (Just not in a good sense.)
I've had these 3B boards since forever (14 currently in stock, one flagged as "damaged" due to a minor surge (bench power supply shorted internally... 5.x volts became 60+ for a minute) thus we have 13 left on the rack. The "damaged" one was painted skull-n-crossbone style - both as a reminder of what happens when you leave a PSU in Calibrate mode... and comes in handy on occasion if we need a RasPi for physical measurement testing... as it's not even very good as a door-stop!)
The three boards I grabbed off the rack were numbers 3-01, 3-04, and 3-05 (the first ones that were available - not being used for something else)
3-01 and 3-05 power up and act like there's no wifi chip even installed, 3-04 worked exactly as expected.
13 Raspberry Pi 3B boards were put up on the bench this afternoon; 5.08v (manual setting/measurement) 60A power supply used
5 out of 13 boards failed in the same fashion using a RasOS image - no wlan detected.
PI-3-01 and 05 were put under the scope - visually they look perfect in the surrounding area of the wireless chip. (See image #1 - top, left)
The duds were scoped for thermal and IR/MW; both
show a stress crack/chip/etc. somewhere below the surface of the chip, itself. I'm guessing the other three that failed have a similar fate. I'm calling it a stress mark as it's in the same corner and similar in shape for the two we've scoped.
That said, thank you guys for reaching out; there's not much that can be done to correct it - so we move on!
@Paul-123: In your 15.x notes regarding kernel/toolset building you noted you were running RasPi5 with 14.x ArmHF? Assuming 7/7L was intended??