Obviously the firmware needs to be loaded first or in the same tce-load call.
My make-shift wireless script does all four in one tce-load call.
The onboot listing was firmware, then wireless-KERNEL then tools.
...if you manually added dtoverlay=disable-wifi to your config.txt
Nah, everything's fresh/default and I looked for overlays before I posted just in case something was in config to en/disable wifi/bt and to familiarize myself with the 15.x layout
SD is a fresh 15.x where mmcblk0p1 is 1GB fat32 and tce resides on it just to make my life simpler.

onboot owns the show; wpa_supplicant is called via bootlocal with a wait loop allowing wireless to settle and wlan0 to become available; loads wpa_supplicant.conf - otherwise dmesg > logfile
Confirmed: RasPi 3B (A+/B+ untested thus far) does in fact go "wonky" without the broadcom entry in cmdline
Power supply is 90W 3.3/5/12 USB-C (supposedly regulated - but I never benched it to prove it) but will look into psu issues just in case.
** Sadly, I
vaguely recall a board conversation (which I thought was here -- but can't be sure) regarding the Pi3 and the radios and a vague inkling that something ridiculous like I2C plus IPv6 or what have you being a prerequisite (back then) of getting wifi and/or bt to play nice... but so much as changed since then it could only be hoped kernel patches/fixes went into the mix between then and now. Then again, I also remember an overlay fix that was needed to create alias/range addresses on wireless (ie: wlan0:0) and a problem with bindings where if wlan0 was used as a fail-safe it would crash the driver when eth0 went down... too many memory fragments... no defrag!!!
Back in the day there was
talk about 3A/B having the means to disable wifi/bt when Pi3B was still an infant -- haven't Googled to see if that's just something in config or a bit switch in what we'll nick-name RasBIOS.
@Rich: Yes, I vaguely remember the name!

Research notes updated for Manning and/or Googling as time permits.
Thanks guys; I appreciate the efforts!