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Author Topic: RasPi 3B - WiFi Not Detected  (Read 880 times)

Online Paul_123

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Re: RasPi 3B - WiFi Not Detected
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2025, 04:48:28 PM »
The pi devices use about 4 or 5 different Broadcom/cypress chipsets.   It’s a Wpa3 related bug, supposedly fixed in kernel 6.10,  so piCore 16.x should resolve this, as it will use kernel 6.12.

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Re: RasPi 3B - WiFi Not Detected
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2025, 01:12:26 AM »
It’s a Wpa3 related bug, supposedly fixed in kernel 6.10,  so piCore 16.x should resolve this, as it will use kernel 6.12.
The "Simple" project's kernel builder was successful through 6.12.x for x86 and x64 - ARM's next in the upcoming weeks once I've had time to really comb through the configs and take notes.
(If 14.x/armxx/src/build_script is lacking in any way, any thoughts/advice/suggestions would always be welcome!)
Note: ARM compilation will all be done natively - which if we get DistCC compiled and functioning on RasPi that should open doors to less painfully long kernel compiles :P

so piCore 16.x should resolve this, as it will use kernel 6.12
I found 16.x by accident when I was cleaning out the archives at work last week and noticed it on the server.
I hadn't realized 15.x had lost its baby teeth yet!

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Re: RasPi 3B - WiFi Not Detected
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2025, 09:30:17 PM »
All I can say is...  wow.  (Just not in a good sense.)
I've had these 3B boards since forever (14 currently in stock, one flagged as "damaged" due to a minor surge (bench power supply shorted internally...  5.x volts became 60+ for a minute) thus we have 13 left on the rack.  The "damaged" one was painted skull-n-crossbone style - both as a reminder of what happens when you leave a PSU in Calibrate mode...  and comes in handy on occasion if we need a RasPi for physical measurement testing...  as it's not even very good as a door-stop!)

The three boards I grabbed off the rack were numbers 3-01, 3-04, and 3-05 (the first ones that were available - not being used for something else)
3-01 and 3-05 power up and act like there's no wifi chip even installed, 3-04 worked exactly as expected.

13 Raspberry Pi 3B boards were put up on the bench this afternoon; 5.08v (manual setting/measurement) 60A power supply used
5 out of 13 boards failed in the same fashion using a RasOS image - no wlan detected.

PI-3-01 and 05 were put under the scope - visually they look perfect in the surrounding area of the wireless chip.  (See image #1 - top, left)

The duds were scoped for thermal and IR/MW; both show a stress crack/chip/etc. somewhere below the surface of the chip, itself.  I'm guessing the other three that failed have a similar fate.  I'm calling it a stress mark as it's in the same corner and similar in shape for the two we've scoped.

That said, thank you guys for reaching out; there's not much that can be done to correct it - so we move on! :)

@Paul-123: In your 15.x notes regarding kernel/toolset building you noted you were running RasPi5 with 14.x ArmHF?  Assuming 7/7L was intended??

Online Paul_123

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Re: RasPi 3B - WiFi Not Detected
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2025, 09:48:34 PM »
The pi5 only runs a 64bit kernel, but all the userspace was 32bit.  This was done for speed, and memory.  but special care is needed for programs that insist on looking at the kernel to decide what is to be built.  Busybox linux32 command is normally enough.  Which is basically a uname hack.

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Re: RasPi 3B - WiFi Not Detected
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2025, 10:21:32 PM »
The pi5 only runs a 64bit kernel
I knew that.  I didn't THINK about it when I was reading the build notes...  but I knew it...  somewhere in the back of the mind... :)