I installed Raspberry Pi OS and my Adafruit PiTFT display. Display works perfectly. I used dmesg as Rich suggested (thanks!

and found at that it uses
I rebooted my picore15. I don't have
/dev/fb1 and there is no mention of
hx8357d when I run
dmesg. Therefore I tried to manually load the driver using
sudo modprobe fb_hx8357d but it wasn't available.
I used
uname -a to find out machine/os info:
tc@box:~$ uname -a
Linux box 6.6.47-piCore-v7 #20 SMP Sat Aug 31 14:54:55 EDT 2024 armv7l GNU/Linux
and proceeded to downloaded drivers from this link
http://tinycorelinux.net/15.x/armhf/releases/RPi/src/kernel/modules-6.6.47-piCore-v7l.tar.xz. I create my own .TCZ package, installed it and rebooted the computer. My TCE has a tce.sh script that copies the
fb_hx8357d.to I extacted from the download, to
After rebooting my picore, I get this:
tc@box:~$ sudo modprobe fb_hx8357d
modprobe: can't load module fb_hx8357d (kernel/drivers/video/fb_hx8357d.ko): invalid module format
Strange... I verified again that my OS matches with the downloaded resources (and it did) and the date 31 Aug, is also the same.
Am I on the right track at all here?

Should I try with some other versions of picore or other download link for fb_hx8357d?