@GNUser: Due to the non-free release of the hardware and no source to refer to, we're going to have to roll up our sleeves and look deeper.
Error Code -2: No such file or directory (assuming the code is KERNEL and not the driver itself)
* Did you try the docking port that came with the Nighthawk AND without it on your wife's machine?
* No clue what release of TCL you're using - assuming 13.x or newer x86_64
* PCI Utils and USB Utils are both needed - not sure BOTH are available in any one 13.x, 14.x or 15.x release so you may need to get a little manually-downloading creative
* Have you tried and tested another USB3 device (such as a USB flash drive) and verified it's working AND at USB3 speeds?
* Plug in a USB2-only mouse if you have one into the same USB3 port - functional on the desktop?
* There's a chance you may not have ALL of the drivers installed for ALL of the hardware necessary for ALL of the USB3 data lines - or any of them at all.
It's also possible that other hardware busses need to be installed/probed (i2c, SPI, etc.) OR, and here's the fun one I've gotten nailed with a time or two...
P.S. Please ignore the lines of output having to do with mt76x2e.
We'd know better if we had the results from pciutils and usbutils
In fact, there's a good chance having two networked ASUS/ASMedia wireless devices which may be using the same Device/Hardware ID...
. o O (Epiphany!)
...here's something to try
- Remove firmware-KERNEL from your onboot.lst file for the moment
- Disable your onboard wifi/bluetooth radios in BIOS, boot TC and see if you find your long lost Nighthawk!
I was under the impression USB was backwards compatible.
@Rich: I wish. Unfortunately, there are a good number of
oddballs out there (here's a Lexar example attached) who wanted to beef up claims of speed and their descriptions tend to avoid references to USB2 for a good reason.
Unit on the left is a standard MicroSD's pins/pads... on the right is Lexar's Class 10 U3 MicroSD card at "blazing 1000x" speeds and USB3 this and that... which if plugged into a USB2 port with their supplied card reader makes the card (seemingly?) act like it is in BIT mode (normal options: bit, nibble, byte* in its firmware.)
For only $75 there's an amazonian listing on G00gle's top ten or so
Sponsored items for a Lexar 128GB V60 UHS-II Class 10 U3 nosebleed chip with claims speeds of 150MB/sec and another identical on e for $115 and others priced in excess of $150 per 128GB....
Small print: "
Includes SD UHS-II (USB) adapter for high-speed file transfer from card to computer, dramatically accelerating workflow"
My print: "Averages 12-17MB/s Random Write in a
normal USB2 card reader, maxes at 22MB/s with a
normal USB3 reader. Thus in a CAMERA, or a RasPi, or anything that takes SD or MicroSD... all the hype is NOT backward compatible, and
WITH the Lexar adapter we got random
write speeds of less than 60MB/s. Read speeds are nice, though if intended as read-only, hurry up and wait for it to fill up with your files after your kids graduate college, get married, etc...
https://www.cameramemoryspeed.com/reviews/sd-cards/lexar-professional-1000x-uhs-ii-128gb-microsdxc-memory-card/I didn't find this URL until long after I made the mistake of buying a few dozen for Universal Operating System installation media.
Return policy = UNopened Package.
For only $12 there's a listing at MicroCenter for a 128GB v30, UHS1 Class 10 U3, blah, blah, blah with write speeds LISTED at 80MB/s and our own random write speeds were clocked 62-78MB/s without the need for special adapters and my printers and cameras get pretty close to the high end of those numbers with a 1/6 or less price tag and ARE backward compatible to USB2 within USB2's shared speed max (1.1 works, too, but nobody truly remembers just how slow today's tech runs at USB1 speeds!!! Or what 1.x MegaBITS per second even looks like! At that speed, who cares about compatibility!?! I'm thinking Dinner and a Movie and MAYBE that 30 second SD video I was backing up might be done when I get back?!)
I also have two 5.25" USB2/USB3/Bazillion-in-one kind of card/hdd readers for mid/tower cases. USB2 works out of the box as it connects to motherboard headers still available for most motherboards with the assumed 500ma protected power output. USB3 feeds
everything else as the card slots are USB3 powered (Vcc) but the
chipset for the reader/slots use USB3's Receive/Transmit lines instead of solely DATA+/- that our USB2 buddies expect and use. There are USB3.x hubs and multi-function devices which also follow this path using the mentality that a USB3+ hub cannot perform its "described on the box" responsibilities if being fed from a 500ma USB2 480mbps port. Micro-B cables and USB3 Type B are good indicators that Trans/Recv lines are likely mandated and USB-C (PD) could be feeding a number of different
voltages which otherwise will be missing from normal USB2/3 slots. The blue "A" to "A" cables are the most likely to be downward compatible (and in
some of those chinasized cases - and probably here in the states, too, they're actually USB2 28 gauge junk fiber cables with blue molded plastic at the FOUR pins (instead of white like we're used to seeing with USB2) making them
appear to look like 3's to the untrained eye.)
Fun fact: Software, for however many months or years it survives in the 21st century, tends to be much more "backward compatible" than most anything else on the planet. Bugs 'n all.
Hardware... more times than not... is just
backward. (The engineers don't usually buy their own wares! LOL - I know! A good number of devices we've had to design over the last few decades I'd never buy for myself even if the need arose... not because our work was shoddy, I've never once been accused... okay... once for a mission-impossible in Australia, but because the proof of concept by a non-electronics-thinking individual was more involved in a direction that the circuit board had poke-dotted masking on a purple coated board and their LOGO which NOBODY will ever see being that it'll forever be IN A CASE, was more important than the components and concept of what's being SOLDERED onto the board. No... not kidding. 22 year old wanna-be-nerd wants us to design a CNC-like drawing board which takes a #2 pencil and draws a greyscale masterpiece from a JPEG they stole off the Internet so he can sell the drawings claiming to be genuine artwork... yet the kid can't even grasp the concept of a PENCIL SHARPENER and/or its possible NEED in such a task.)
As I accidentally taught my teenager some time ago... and hear from him more frequently than I'd like to admit...
"You can fix almost everything out there, Dad, but you can't fix stupid!"
Sorry - long winded, on-topic but with a twist or three... but that's par recently!

Thought you of all people here could appreciate a dose of reality hidden in consumerville.