Let me sprinkle some voodoo powder over this dead thread and revive it

(also see
http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=2808.0 )
@samedirection - you probably need a sudo in there.
@roberts, would you be interested in accepting patches against either rebuildfstab or blkid to report ntfs-3g (if and only) if ntfs-3g is installed? This would partially resolve the request for read/write mounting (without shelling out to a terminal).
For example something like:
tc@box:~$ diff /usr/sbin/rebuildfstab usr/sbin/rebuildfstab
--- /usr/sbin/rebuildfstab Mon Sep 14 21:17:09 2009
+++ usr/sbin/rebuildfstab Tue Oct 13 18:51:43 2009
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
rm -f /var/run/rebuildfstab.pid
echo "$$" >/var/run/rebuildfstab.pid
+ntfs3g=`which ntfs-3g` ## doesn't work (not in path, see set path above)
+ntfs3g=`ls /usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g 2>/dev/null` # path used in ntfs-3g.tczl extension
# Go through fstab and grab a list of previous entries
@@ -60,8 +62,14 @@
[ -z "$FSTYPE" ] && FSTYPE="auto"
+ # If ntfs-3g was installed, assume we want to use it
+ if [ ! -z "${ntfs3g}" -a "$FSTYPE" = "ntfs" ]
+ then
+ FSTYPE=ntfs-3g
+ fi
case "$FSTYPE" in
ntfs) OPTIONS="$OPTIONS,ro,umask=000" ;;
+ ntfs-3g) OPTIONS="$OPTIONS,umask=000" ;;
vfat|msdos) OPTIONS="${OPTIONS},umask=000" ;;
ext2|ext3) OPTIONS="${OPTIONS},relatime" ;;
swap) OPTIONS="defaults"; MOUNTPOINT="none" ;;
If you have ntfs-3g installed this will set new mount points to use ntfs-3g in rw mode. E.g. boot up TC, then once booted insert USB drive with NTFS on it. It will NOT set the mode for connected at boot time devices as the user extensions aren't loaded at the time this takes place.
I went ahead and hacked rebuildfstab (and added it to my backupfile list), blkid could be modified instead/as-well.
One idea I've had is to make a new boot flag, ntfs=ntfs-3g, ntfs3g, etc. and then pick that up in blkid or rebuildfstab as in indicator to replace ntfs with ntfs-3g.
Yet another option would be to create two mount points, once readonly (as is done now) and another one using ntfs-3g with "_rw" appended to the mount point. E.g.