I hope polikuo does not object to my barging in on this thread.
1) you need a better dmesg output please....as your tail was not long enough
dmesg | grep firmware > /tmp/fw.txt
2) fw is tricky in that there is no tool to tell you what fw is currently being used
but based on your model
https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/pd030001-thinkcentre-m73-tiny10ax0003in-for-linux-certificationYou appear to have Intel graphics so I suggest you download any missing TCEs and have onboot.lst read
# plus other stuff
at this stage lets ignore Xorg-7.7-3d until we see you have "decent" graphics
Please read the info files for all of them as some like the xf86* has information on some configs you may consider
3) If you know you do not have intel graphics you may need to provide a spec link or post your graphics hardware
inxi which you would need to download is designed for this very purpose....download it only if above is NOT correct,
load it and post output of
inxi -Gxxx
thanks for reading
The next post reveals for specific Intel graphics chipset.....the name of the firmware