hi CardealRusso
before you submit, some suggestions for you.
post 9 xorg log
ACPI: failed to connect to the ACPI event daemon
try installing acpid and start the daemon....exit to prompt then go back in and check if Xorg log has that message disappear?
post 11 screenshot of terminal....
it looks like you might need to add hicolor-icon-theme.tcz to your dep file.
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR...for sway I set this to a /run/user dir but /tmp can be used like this
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp
env | grep tmp
# result...XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp
Is nvidia-settings an elf file?
if so you can run a dependency check on it like this
readelf -d /usr/local/bin/nvidia-settings | grep 'NEEDED'
here is example of my research for dep entries
http://tinycorelinux.net/14.x/x86_64/tcz/src/feh/build-feh.shlater builds I have remove the junk of 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library:
but you can see that I used searchtce against libX11 found it was a dep of libXext and that was a dep of imlib2
which worked out well as libpng gave a similar result
then what I do...is search my local TCEs for each entry.
some are TCB....you won't get a hit.....I can see your terminal has libz* and if you open Apps and use the "provides" search for libz.so.1
you won't get a hit....meaning its not coming from a TCE so its TCB
gnuser and others use search scripts that search the TC repos.
I lack that skill and thoroughness....instead I search for only locally installed TCEs...be they private or not yet submitted etc TCEs like this
cat $HOME/.local/bin/searchtce # gap added by me
read -p "input TCE without dot tcz please
grep -l $INPUT.tcz /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/*.dep | cut -d/ -f6
make it executable too please
Good luck