Again, I'd like to thank you for your help, juanito. Not only yours but also everyone present in this topic, as
The efforts were not in vain. I confess that I had already given up, but when I finally managed to shoot, I dedicated myself.
Today I skipped going to the beach with my friends and dedicated my whole day to doing everything right. I thoroughly analyzed the coreplayer2 nvidia tcz. It took me hours with a headache until I finally discovered that the driver would not load simply because the info file was not in tce.installed. Also many problems regarding file permissions, directories (there are more than 4 directory options for the same file) and so on. tcl x11 tries to load the settings in a totally inappropriate location.
After all, I was successful.
Here it is, the proprietary nvidia driver properly working perfectly. It is possible to upgrade and add to the TCL 14.x repository. Everything is perfect!
About the 5xx driver version. I found it very disrespectful of nvidia. The 525 driver, in addition to being almost twice the size, has a loss of almost half in performance. I think you should use the 525 driver only if it's really necessary.
The 470 driver received its last update in March of this year and will probably not receive any more updates regarding support for new cards, it should only receive security updates.
The only advantage over the 525 driver would be that it is compatible with RTX 40 and onwards video cards.
It took me several days to do something that today I am able to do from scratch in just a few minutes. It is very easy to install and make the tcz, but it still takes a lot of manual work.