A long time ago, I used options index=<number> to swap sound card devices to analog because I use analog not HDMI For most recent computers I have owned,
aplay -l
has always shown
card 0 HDMI
card 1 Analog
On the web I found a new trick.....I should have known this by running modinfo <your sound module>
modinfo snd_hda_intel | grep enable
parm: enable_msi:Enable Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI)
parm: enable:Enable Intel HD audio interface.
Depending on your kernel module, it may use understems or hypens so run
lsmod | grep snd
if you are unsure what yours is please.
OK here is the trick!
contents of /opt/bootlocal.sh.....change to suit your kernel sound module
# put other system startup commands here
modprobe -r snd_hda_intel
modprobe snd_hda_intel options enable=0
2) let me explain it.....in alsa terms
alsa detects (say) first device as HDMI and gives it card index=0
my bootlocal says enable=0 meaning disable index=0
alsa "forgets" HDMI but detects my other device
alsa detects (new) first device is analog
alsa gives it card index=0
3) if you are not running pulseaudio, congratulations

will bring up mixer for your analog card
if you are running pulseaudio, run
alsamixer -c0
should bring up your analog device mixer instead of showing pulseaudio
4) If for some strange reason, your indices are swapped change your bootlocal to "enable=1,0"
which says to alsa enable first device (analog) and disable second device (hdmi)
6) To use firefox, I run it with apulse so do not need pulseaudio
5) if you are unlucky enough to have both analog and hdmi as sub-devices on the same card......this post is not for you...sorry