Thank you. This must be me then (or my hardware). I will re-do it tonight on several hardware, but at least your word inspires confidence that in principle it should work.
Just to make sure I am doing the right thing (this is to thatsarule's question):
1. On removeable media (USB stick or MMC card) I set up the tce folder
2. I copy to tce core elements (xlibs, xprogs and one of choice of xserver options, e.g. xorg-xvesa-lite) from core-elements library.
3. I copy to tce a windows manager - in this case jwm.tce
4. I boot from Microcore LiveCD specifying tce location (mmcblk0p1 in this case or sdb2. Therefore, e.g. boot option: microcore tce=mmcblk0p1
Now, thanks to modular architecture, this should result in booting to jwm without any additional configuration? Except that only with xfbdev the framebuffer vga parameter must be specified on boot code...
Please let me know if the above process is correct...
It did work for me when using default xvesa element, not other x core elements, so I hope it is not hardware picky...
Of course I mean microcore 2.2 gold in this case...
Once I manage to resolve screen resolution support issue (with one x or another, considering Xvesa does not support newer screens), this will open wide all the goodness of modularity, efficiency and system integrity of PPR/TCZ concept to build on...
Thanks very much for your help.