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failed in waitforX
`head -n1 .xsession`
Hi erfan_m14Welcome to the forum.See if this command provides any more information:Code: [Select]`head -n1 .xsession`Those are not apostrophes at the beginning and end of the command. They are back ticks andlook like this ` , not like this '. It is usually found at the left end of the keyboardon the tilde (~) key.
/usr/local/lib/xorg/Xorg: error while loading shared libraries: libdev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory
Hi erfan_m14Did you copy that by hand? Is it possible it said libudev.so.0 , not libdev.so.0? If that is thecase, try installing libudev.tcz.
tce-load -wi libudev.tcz
libudev is already installed!
tce-load -i libudev.tcz
sudo ldconfig
Hi erfan_m14Make sure it really is installed and not just downloaded:Code: [Select]tce-load -i libudev.tczIf that doesn't help, try running this:Code: [Select]sudo ldconfig
$tce-load -i libudev.tczlibudev is already installd!$sudo ldconfig$startxfailed in waitforX
hash -r