Hello TinyCoreTeam,
this ist just the hurdle I succeeded to overcome.
After downloading piCore-13.1.0.zip I could write it with balena-etcher to a 32 GB mmc using a laptop with LinuxMint.
This mmc boots fine in a Raspi 4, but to increase mmcblk0p2/ to full size of the chip I had to fall back to my laptop,- it works.
With tce-load -wi I first loaded nano.tcz which is apparently the only prog that works without GUI. Sometimes this is useful.
Again with tce-load -wi I added Xorg, jwm, wbar, alsa, alsa-utils, alsa-plugins, pulseaudio, pcmanfm, firefox, all working fine.
I also installed kmaps.tcz and added loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/qwertz/de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap to /opt./bootlocal.sh but no effect.
What am I missing? Thanks for your friendly help!