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Author Topic: Pressreader  (Read 2838 times)

Offline vinceASPECT

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« on: December 26, 2021, 06:36:15 PM »
HEllo Forum,

As a festive gift  "pressreader.com"

THat site has 7000 publications per month.....in many languages for free.
You simply register and perhaps your county Library (membership) will work.......like mine

The site has given me access to about $300 per month of publications and MAGS that i could not buy (so i get them FREE )..........and it has all the global newspapers per day.....

........it's perhaps not readily obvious to people and citizens that if they buy 2 reasonable daily newspapers it costs them  about  $1500 per annum bill........(free here)
NY times or LA times etc etc.....The Daily Telegraph

nevermind magazines like....... LINUX USER...PC PRO ,  ANDROID USER  and "National geographic" and many many many more on this website free.  (via your free library card) etc.


ps .....it has a free app for all devices ......web site for regular PC's etc

« Last Edit: December 26, 2021, 06:47:28 PM by vinceASPECT »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: Pressreader
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2022, 09:16:48 AM »
Hello Forum

i hope  pressreader is still helping you for FREE.

i just checked and ONE DAILY NEWSPAPER with 4 monthly magazines typically costs
a citizen the following........

$1000 us dollars per year......  or over £1300 sterling in the UK or whatever is the equivalent in your country e.g. Saudi arabia newspapers   ( you can stop all those costs)

It gets worse if you regularly buy a couple of the *best* daily Newspapers per day e.g.
  .......this will  cost you

$2600 us dollars per year. in USA.....or around £2400 sterling in the UK.........
( you can stop all those costs)

Pressreader.com is FREE and among other things contains over 2000 regular monthly Magazines for FREE

Pressreader holds all GLOBAL DAILY NEWSPAPERS for 18 years backwards.......and all Global Monthly magazines for 10 years backwards.

You can SAVE any edition(s) into your Shelf.

 ...........log in and use for free via any global LIBRARY CARD NUMBER...........choose "PER PAGE VIEW" option
and check "accessibility mode" on.  (or use their free APP and pinch//zoom with reading glasses)

this stuff above stops you suffering any of the above  costs...............and you can also consume thousands of extra dollars of FREE  literature per year.



also remember the trees you are saved and the ecology.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 09:49:16 AM by vinceASPECT »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: Pressreader
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2023, 04:31:25 PM »
hello forum

pressreader service may continue to help you FREE with any library card number

mobile handhelds can just grab any WHOLE PUBLICATION in a few seconds
on a blip of wi fi signal.......[airports etc]

simply choose "export to e-reader" for any newspaper or magazine of interesr in PR's web page or free APP.......on any handheld.....

.......choose export to  " cool--er" device.........this gives you an .epub file
of the newspaper......

so   you can read FREE newspapers and magazines offline    anyplace ......   at   your leisure........and keep them indefinitely

$30,000.........of free publications are available per month......
.e.g....Linux User magazine

« Last Edit: July 03, 2023, 04:40:02 PM by vinceASPECT »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: Pressreader
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2023, 02:27:32 PM »
How to READ  NEWSPAPERS  as a pleasant  "single  Line of subtitles text" on a black screen.... using  any LAPTOP and the free windows "penguin reader"  tool...........
-----------------------------------------for  Free  :)

0) Go  to  www.pressreader.com......... Login FREE with any library card number &  read any GLOBAL newspaper or Magazine you desire..... online...........
.......... AND to do the mentioned  "subtitles" idea  follow  the tutorial  below

1)  ...... DOWNLOAD your  newspaper  or  magazine to any EREADER device (e.g. cooler)  as an EPUB FILE.....(at  that  Pressreader web site)

2)  Convert the EPUB from (1) above......into a TXT file
 using any free  "online  web converter"......
3)  Try  to clean up your document of  (2)
(example below works for cleaning  the GUARDIAN newspaper)
  Open the TXT from (2) above.........open  it in  the free windows  tool called

4)   Using     "notepad++"      EDIT the newspaper
by "selecting  all"  &  applying the "REPLACE" feature
with the command .........
(?s)(?=@)(.+?)(?=Next)...........  as  an  "expression"
which CLEANS UP the document .........

Then SAVE the TEXT FILE with any name  you  like...........

5)  Get the free tool "SUBTITLE  EDIT" https://www.nikse.dk     for  windows

Then  open the  text file from  (4)  above in the SUBTITLE   tool & it will promp  you ..........click IMPORT THE FILE AS  TEXT. 
Then,  Change the settings on the import window from........ 46  lines to 26 lines  ...........click GO

6)  Save the file from  (5)  above  as any named  SUBTITLE file..........  dot  srt  type  file.
EXAMPLE   "newspaper.srt"

7)   Get the free "PENGUIN subtitle READER"  tool for windows.........
Go to it's settings .........and reduce all the speeds to ALMOST zero. Set BLACK color  and set such things as white  text SIZE .........

8)  Make your WINDOWS desktop Empty and BLACK..........Open your "newspaper.srt"  subtitle file from (6) in the PENGUIN  tool & size things to your desire............then  pause the  Penguin player.......
.............then click the LEFT ARROW CONTROL once.......then use SPACE BAR  to gently
 click through SENTENSES as you READ.

Even  somehow set your Mouse  to do the click through
 ( point it at the "spacebar" key using the free "Xbutton Mouse"  windows tool )

It's a great way to Read.  (somehow).........Free

Best wishes.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2023, 02:56:53 PM by vinceASPECT »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: Pressreader
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2023, 04:21:12 PM »
Hello forum,

There is an extra great way to read newspapers and Magazines FREE

GO to the "pressreader DOT COM"  and join with your library number
(you can even get a number directly online).....

THis method below uses the free "immersive reader" feature in Edge web browser.

0)  make your DESKTOP BLACK and hide all panels
1) Make your Edge browser flags set to ......."enable dark mode to display web pages"
2) Choose Vertical TABS in edge to hide them & narrow the bar

3) Choose the newspaper you like ......click READ
4) when the paper appears ......in SHEETS display........ follow below
5)  Hover over an article GREYING it , and RIGHT CLICK it..... and select COPY
6)  Then choose SELECT ALL.........
7)  THen . right click & choose the option.........READ WITH IMMERSIVE
8)  Choose BLACK Colours in immersive........ and make your DESKTOP BLACK and hide all panels
9) Choose SINGLE LINE VIEW option inside immersive
10)  RESIZE your EDGE BROWSER WINDOW to a..... narrow slit VERTICALLY and any Horizontal width you prefer
11)  Click the tiny DOWN arrow..to  SCROLL and Read the article
in comfort......

What is all of the above...........?
 Well, It's not perfect , but It's   a way of getting  a single....... THIN CENTERED WHITE LINE OF TEXT........ on a completely black SCREEN.........

it's  Free and i hope it's useful   

Thanks Vin.........( you can read any info the above way )


ps  if you want to make it PERFECT ....you can use the free "Penguin" subtitle reader tool .( win32 tool)
That tool will OPEN IN BLACK with some empty subtitle file you choose.  PAUSE IT.........resulting in total BLACK
Then you can SHAPE and DRAG that black Block to SHADE OUT screen patces to leave exactly  "one single while line of text" visible



U2  Sphere. :)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2023, 04:43:38 PM by vinceASPECT »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: Pressreader
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2023, 05:10:25 PM »
sorry  Forget to mention

 that IMMERSIVE reading method  (above)  can work for EBOOKS too

  (they all offer a TXT file version in a web tab)

i don't know about more modern EBOOKS since they are sadly ADOBE and rubbish

However, the OTHER reading method i shared  ( PENGUIN SUBTITLES TOOL)  method
can be handy.

If you can get an EBOOK in some file format like EPUB  or others......from Amazon say
.........then ONLINE COVERTERS will get it that ebook into say  DOT  S R T  form.......  (  .srt  )

........with  .srt file Format ,you can then follow my PENGUIN TOOL reading method i shared.


It astonished me how BADLY DESIGNED ebook readers actually are........
it's Rare to find SINGLE LINE good methods.......

COMFORT READER on android offers single line reading too......you adjust the colours  BLACK and WHITE TEXT.......slow it to just Click through......at your pace.

best wishes.