How to READ NEWSPAPERS as a pleasant "single Line of subtitles text" on a black screen.... using any LAPTOP and the free windows "penguin reader" tool...........
-----------------------------------------for Free

0) Go to Login FREE with any library card number & read any GLOBAL newspaper or Magazine you desire..... online...........
.......... AND to do the mentioned "subtitles" idea follow the tutorial below
1) ...... DOWNLOAD your newspaper or magazine to any EREADER device (e.g. cooler) as an EPUB FILE.....(at that Pressreader web site)
2) Convert the EPUB from (1) above......into a TXT file
using any free "online web converter"......
3) Try to clean up your document of (2)
(example below works for cleaning the GUARDIAN newspaper)
Open the TXT from (2) it in the free windows tool called
4) Using "notepad++" EDIT the newspaper
by "selecting all" & applying the "REPLACE" feature
with the command .........
(?s)(?=@)(.+?)(?=Next)........... as an "expression"
which CLEANS UP the document .........
Then SAVE the TEXT FILE with any name you like...........
5) Get the free tool "SUBTITLE EDIT" for windows
Then open the text file from (4) above in the SUBTITLE tool & it will promp you IMPORT THE FILE AS TEXT.
Then, Change the settings on the import window from........ 46 lines to 26 lines GO
6) Save the file from (5) above as any named SUBTITLE file.......... dot srt type file.
7) Get the free "PENGUIN subtitle READER" tool for windows.........
Go to it's settings .........and reduce all the speeds to ALMOST zero. Set BLACK color and set such things as white text SIZE .........

Make your WINDOWS desktop Empty and BLACK..........Open your "" subtitle file from (6) in the PENGUIN tool & size things to your desire............then pause the Penguin player.......
.............then click the LEFT ARROW CONTROL once.......then use SPACE BAR to gently
click through SENTENSES as you READ.
Even somehow set your Mouse to do the click through
( point it at the "spacebar" key using the free "Xbutton Mouse" windows tool )
It's a great way to Read. (somehow).........Free
Best wishes.