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Author Topic: TinyCorePure64 only in uefi mode  (Read 5959 times)

Offline bausi

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TinyCorePure64 only in uefi mode
« on: December 02, 2021, 10:49:05 PM »
Hi everyone
I been looking for a tutorial that can help me to make an only uefi live system of tiny core pure 64 but only found 2 that make a dual uefi/legacy live system
I tried both but I can’t make it work because I’m very new at tiny core and can’t understand perfectly both tutorials
There’s a way to make only uefi live system of tiny core?


Offline gadget42

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Re: TinyCorePure64 only in uefi mode
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2021, 02:44:17 AM »
at the present time, a search for the terms "uefi TinyCorePure64" has 41 results with yours showing up first in this search.
(although this post might also create another additional search result)

for our own benefit, are there any particular posts and/or threads that are specifically confusing?
The fluctuation theorem has long been known for a sudden switch of the Hamiltonian of a classical system Z54 . For a quantum system with a Hamiltonian changing from... https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,25972.msg166580.html#msg166580

Offline PDP-8

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Re: TinyCorePure64 only in uefi mode
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2021, 06:52:37 PM »
I'll take another stab at it from a different perspective that might help.

Just getting TC to boot properly on modern 64 bit uefi machines is only *part* of the issue.  Discovering what makes TC so special and if it is /right for you/ is the second part - but if you can't get it to boot in the first place without specialized prior knowledge it can become too frustrating.  I understand.

So here is a leg up to see if TC is right for you - it is much more than just being able to boot.

1) Assuming you have a modern machine, that means windows.  I highly recommend using YUMI-UEFI or later to create the bootable usb stick with the latest 64-bit TinyCorePure64 with "Try Unlisted Iso".  It will take it's time analyzing the tc iso, so don't fret too early if it appears nothing is happening.

Unlike some other methods, the way that Yumi-Uefi handles it, it most closely resembles the very early ideals and simplicity of booting a read-only CD going back to the dsl days.  That is, it will properly detect and use the CDE directory for the minimal graphical UI.

Unless you take alternate steps, nothing is saved, and everything is pristine again upon reboot.  This is by design, since for some this is all they need / want.  This was known as the "Internet / Cloud Mode", whereby one starts out with a small system, and builds up *temporary* systems of additional capabilities if they so desire.

This is fertile *training ground* to go beyond the mechanics of simply getting TC64 to boot onto hardware.  In the past, users were not required to know how to build their own El-torito bootable isos.  They were escorted directly into the USER capabilities of TC.  Currently Yumi-Uefi will provide this same capability on modern machines with usb sticks.

This training ground of TC usually involves getting to know how to add or modify the grub boot options when you eventually see it.  Here, you can specify a wide variety of things, such as screen resolution and a whole host of options to the kernel parameters.

Going beyond the "cloud / internet mode".  When you want to make automated saving of files, and other infrastructure to turn TC64 into the next Ubuntu-rival (grin), one has to know how to save their work and where to direct it.  The the options for doing this are many and are user-specific.  No installation of TC64 needs to be the same.  Discovering these options and how they work, and what makes TC more of a "toolkit", rather than a mere bootable distro becomes apparent.

This is a very long way of me saying that just knowing how to make TC64 "bootable" by using DIY methods is for most, a mere technical "one-off" exercise that when finished, does not by itself reveal what makes TC special.

So, the most convenient way to jump beyond this technical exercise, and see if the way TC *OPERATES*, is to perhaps whip up a bootable stick with Yumi-Uefi (try unlisted iso), kick the tires, and just know that there is MUCH MORE to discover from a user-standpoint - which may actually not be to the liking of some since much of it isn't always automated, or have more than one solution to the problem based on individual desires.
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Re: TinyCorePure64 only in uefi mode
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2022, 08:57:19 PM »
I'll take another stab at it from a different perspective that might help.

Just getting TC to boot properly on modern 64 bit uefi machines is only *part* of the issue.  Discovering what makes TC so special and if it is /right for you/ is the second part - but if you can't get it to boot in the first place without specialized prior knowledge it can become too frustrating.  I understand.

So here is a leg up to see if TC is right for you - it is much more than just being able to boot.

1) Assuming you have a modern machine, that means windows.  I highly recommend using YUMI-UEFI or later to create the bootable usb stick with the latest 64-bit TinyCorePure64 with "Try Unlisted Iso".  It will take it's time analyzing the tc iso, so don't fret too early if it appears nothing is happening.

I only use linux PCs, debian and puppylinux, no windows.  I have a UEFI desktop PC and would like to try TC64.  Although I used dd command successfully for 32bit laptop USB stick boot, on my main PC, dd command onto USB stick fails to boot.  Any recommendations?

Offline polikuo

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Re: TinyCorePure64 only in uefi mode
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2022, 11:45:22 PM »
I only use linux PCs, debian and puppylinux, no windows.  I have a UEFI desktop PC and would like to try TC64.  Although I used dd command successfully for 32bit laptop USB stick boot, on my main PC, dd command onto USB stick fails to boot.  Any recommendations?

If you know how to setup a bootloader yourself, you can just grab the required files from

ModeKernelInit Ram Disk
Core32vmlinuz(core.gz) or (rootfs.gz + modules.gz)
Core64vmlinuz64(rootfs.gz + modules64.gz)
CorePure64vmlinuz64(corepure64.gz) or (rootfs64.gz + modules64.gz)

Then pass your tce partition UUID to your bootloader
Code: [Select]

Offline PDP-8

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Re: TinyCorePure64 only in uefi mode
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2022, 04:00:58 AM »
I only use linux PCs, debian and puppylinux, no windows.  I have a UEFI desktop PC and would like to try TC64.  Although I used dd command successfully for 32bit laptop USB stick boot, on my main PC, dd command onto USB stick fails to boot.  Any recommendations?

Yep, I'm so tired of battling with the issue that I have thrown in the towel and only use VENTOY as the front end, since it has *always* been recognized and bootable, bypassing whatever is wrong with the TC 64-bit iso.  I've lost interest and just want to get to work, not be a sysadmin for each and every stick and system I have to make.  Ventoy does that job without argument just fine. :)

Kind of similar to the old days, when one could boot the CD and it would work, rather than having to be a wizard with iso9660 filesystem creation first.  Eh, water under the bridge.  Moving forward ...

It comes in 3 flavors:
1) As a windows util
2) As a linux util (commandline)
3) As a dd'able iso that boots and only serves one single purpose: to make a Ventoy stick which you place your iso(s) onto.  I only use it for TC however.

Until recently, (as of ver 1.70), after creating the Ventoy stick, one had to copy the iso to the Ventoy stick.  With 1.70, you can now just navigate to the TCpure64 iso wherever you have it in your filesystem, and it will boot that way.

Of course, since the TC iso is designed for the old days of cd-roms, when the iso boots, it doesn't know about the fact that if you want the graphical environment, you have to move the cde directory to the root of a filesystem and rename it to tce.

OR, you can be ok landing at the commandline, and manually build-up your graphical environment using setdrive, and downloading and loading all the minimal graphics stuff, like xfbdev, aterm, fltk etc.

Despite my frustration with the TC iso on even relatively modern machines, something is wrong for many.  Ventoy is super flexible, so like TC itself, there are many ways to use it.  But if you love TC and just want to get down to work, it will get you there faster and more reliably.  My .02c anyway.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2022, 04:11:59 AM by PDP-8 »
That's a UNIX book! - cool  -- Garth

Offline puppybyte!

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Re: TinyCorePure64 only in uefi mode
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2022, 10:42:48 AM »

If you know how to setup a bootloader yourself, you can just grab the required files from

ModeKernelInit Ram Disk
Core32vmlinuz(core.gz) or (rootfs.gz + modules.gz)
Core64vmlinuz64(rootfs.gz + modules64.gz)
CorePure64vmlinuz64(corepure64.gz) or (rootfs64.gz + modules64.gz)

Then pass your tce partition UUID to your bootloader
Code: [Select]

am not sure if I am doing this right.  using gparted I got my usb stick with EFI partition (sdg1), with gpt, 300MB fat32 with esp/boot flag.  Do I place the vmlinuz and corepure64.gz in sdg1?  I am not usre how to pass the tce partition UUID?

Offline polikuo

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Re: TinyCorePure64 only in uefi mode
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2022, 11:19:24 AM »
Hi puppybyte
Which bootloader are you using ?

SYSLINUX --> buggy with TC13 dosfstools(mkfs.vfat) at the moment
GRUB2 --> I haven't test this one with current mkfs.vfat