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Author Topic: Busybox SECRET new commands!  (Read 2410 times)

Offline PDP-8

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Busybox SECRET new commands!
« on: October 19, 2021, 11:08:46 PM »
Two secret Busybox commands have been found compiled into BB.  Flog and Gong.

Invoking them is a secret, (no so - I invoked busybox backwards and it worked! ) but I did some extensive research on when they first appeared and if they were at all documented.

An old usenet post revealed the man pages for them.  I'm putting them to use in my scripts immediately!  Someone inform Denys pronto.

Code: [Select]
FLOG(1)                     UNIX 3.0                     FLOG(1)

          flog - speed up a process

          flog [ -ln ] [ -am ] [ -u ] process-id

          Flog is used to stimulate an improvement in the performance
          of a process that is already in execution.

          The process-id is the process number of the process that is
          to be disciplined.

          The value n of the l keyletter argument is the flagellation
          constant, i.e., the number of lashes to be administered per
          minute.  If this argument is omitted, the default is 17,
          which is the most random random number.

          The value m of the a keyletter argument is the number of
          times the inducement to speed up is to be administered. If
          this argument is omitted, the default is one, which is based
          on the possibility that after that the process will rectify
          its behavior of its own volition.

          The presence of the u keyletter argument indicates that flog
          is to be unmerciful in its actions.  This nullifies the
          effects of the other keyletter arguments.  It is recommended
          that this option be used only on extremely stubborn
          processes, as its over-use may have detrimental effects.

          Flog will read the file /have/mercy for any entry containing
          the process-id of the process being speeded-up.  The file
          can contain whatever supplications are deemed necessary,
          but, of course, these will be totally ignored if the u
          keyletter argument is supplied.

          On Improving Process Performance by the Administration of
          Corrective Stimulation, CACM , vol. 4, 1657, pp. 356-654.

          If a named process does not exist, flog replies ``flog you''
          on the standard output.  If flog kill(2)s the process, which
          usually happens when the u keyletter argument is supplied,
          it writes ``rip,'' followed by the process-id of the
          deceased, on the standard output.

          Spurious supplications for mercy by the process being
          flogged sometimes wind up on the standard output, rather
          than in /shut/up.

     Page 1                                         (printed 12/15/81)

     GONG(1)                       UNIX 3.0                      GONG(1)

          gong - evaluate process performance

          gong [ -f ] [ -a ] process-id

          Gong is used to evaluate the performance of a process that
          is in execution.

          The process-id is the process number of the process whose
          performance is to be evaluated.

          The evaluation is performed by a set of three ``panelist''
          routines, each of which analyzes one aspect (time, space,
          and tonality) of the performance of the process.  If any of
          these routines is not amused by the performance, the process
          being analyzed is sent the gong(2) signal.  In addition, the
          process-id of the evaluated process is written on the
          standard gong, for possible future corrective action.  (It
          is suggested that the standard gong be an audible alarm for
          proper effect.) It is expected that after being gong(2)ed,
          the process will promptly commit suicide.

          The f keyletter argument indicates that gong is to invoke
          flog(1) with the unmerciful argument if the process does not
          respond to gong(2)ing.  In the absence of this argument, the
          process is continuously gong(2)ed, which may lead to the
          process becoming a deaf zombie.

          The a keyletter argument indicates that if all three of the
          panelist routines gong(2) a process, the process should be
          unmercifully flog(1)ged whether or not the f keyletter is

          /dev/ding.dong is the standard gong.

          On the Applicability of Gonging to the Performance and Merit
          Review Process, Journal of Irreproducible Results, vol. 263,
          issue 19, pp. 253-307.

          If the named process does not exist, it is possible that
          gong will attempt an evaluation of itself, which may lead to
          a condition known as compounded double ringing (see
          echo(2)).  Therefore, it is recommended that gong be used
          with extreme care.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2021, 11:16:21 PM by PDP-8 »
That's a UNIX book! - cool  -- Garth

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The fluctuation theorem has long been known for a sudden switch of the Hamiltonian of a classical system Z54 . For a quantum system with a Hamiltonian changing from... https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,25972.msg166580.html#msg166580