I nearly gave up in disgust on Unix when I first started way back when I first tried to learn the vi editor.
I forgot if it was Slackware, Yggdrasil, or MWC Coherent, but when I first fired it up I saw all those ~ tilde's on the left side of the screen, and thought that was stupid or poorly programmed.
I didn't know what those tilde's were for, none of my reference materials showed them, and wondered if the rest of unix was going to be so poorly programmed.

Seriously - but I was young and impatient.
All the study materials didn't show the tilde's, and nothing on early bbs' or Compuserve made mention of them either.
I actually walked away from unix for a few years because of that knee-jerk reaction to the tildes in vi.
A few years later - a new 386 box, and thought I'd try a "professional" version of Xenix. $600 for only 2 seats and nearly everything interesting unbundled as extra-cost extras ...
So I fire up the vi editor ready to get down to learning it on a professional system and the freakin' tildes were still there! AGGHH
Then I found out they were supposed to be there. Oh boy. Heh, love vi to this day, but learned a little bit about not being prone to knee-jerk reactions when it comes to unix.