Hah! Just a rehash over and over for those who don't understand that Unix was only designed to be used by a small handful of computer researchers at ATT - it was not meant to be a marketable product for the masses. Something to keep them busy in the 6th floor attic after ATT pulled out of Multics and OS research was verboten.
It was done kind of on the sly by promising ATT an "application" for patent-processing text editing. On the equivalent of a raspberry-pi of the day: DEC PDP-11. They got much more than they asked for.

But criticism from "pundits" who don't know this even goes back to the 1981 classic from Donald Norman's article in Datamation magazine.
You should have seen the flames erupt back when your beard-growing dad used bang-paths in Usenet based on uucp.
At any rate, failure to understand the pre-linux / gnu era of the 70's, is what leads to such commercially-based comments - from the past or even now.
In my parallel universe, by the 6th grade, students would have to be able to show mastery of such simple skills of sed/grep/awk, pipes, herefiles and the like. I can dream ..