Hi xor
... {I want everything to be ready automatically} ...
Then you are using the wrong distro.
Tinycore requires you put some work into configuring it the way you want.
... topic 2
Even if I don't want TCL to be inflated
I want to run steam on TCL. ! 
want Tinycore to be redesigned to work the way you want it to.
want everyone else to do the work for you.
We all want things we can't have.
Maybe, one day when you grow up, you will learn to accept this is a part of life.
In the past year, you have start at least 6 Tinycore and 2 dCore topics about multilib and steam.
You seem to think your childish behavior will get you what you want.
It will not.You have been told NO. Accept it and pick a distro that does not need to be redesigned to run your games.