hello Forum members,
There is a project that does the point(s) raised in this thread Topic.
Mike Levin (?)
Levinux?.....or something.
It's purpose, possibly being to simply offer citizens ( offer them a FREE personal Linux computer ) as a usable "operating system" directly .....just by the citizen sitting at any public web or internet connected "PC terminal machine" (anyplace in the world).......
(it then becomes "their Linux PC machine" ......since the Linux has snap shot... and acts just as a regular real computer (FREE for the citizen)
FREE server(s) instances......right........?
There is already a working idea similar to the idea of this THREAD post.
https://distrotest.net/index.php (Linux in a web browser)
"Distrotest"............although the "free Linux machine" you receive doesn't deliver a world wide web connection to the user (citizen). (connection for Learning)
it is interesting topic. (somehow)
ps.....a World Wide Web browser..........(of which there are oceans )....is for connecting to the world wide web.
Not sure "why" you would want Linux simple running inside the mechanism of a "web browser" implicitly itself.......(where that said web browser, isn't interacting with a "Live" world wide web connection.