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Author Topic: Turing test.  (Read 1514 times)

Offline vinceASPECT

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Turing test.
« on: December 28, 2020, 07:31:42 AM »
Turing test

a test for intelligence in a computer, requiring that a human being should be unable to distinguish the machine from another human being by using the replies to questions put to both....


......so the TURING test is simply DESCRIBING just how smart and intelligent a particular COMPUTER used inside the test actually  IS ....................(does it PASS or not?) what Turing level score did it get?


1).......which-ever person is   issuing the turing test situation......is PART ONE OF it........(The examiner) human

2)the other HUMAN participant..... recieving questions is the SECOND PART.....(second human)

3)the third PART is the "computer" being ASSESSED for it's eye Q  levels........(Turing pass level)

...................O___o...........  🙂 🙂 😉


....for the computer to PASS the TURING test.....it gets a particular score.....

it's sort of ......a particular set of questions and  TIMING  GONE BY.........for the test.

.........should the EXAMINER person finally determine that the (human) participant (person)........upon  hearing the SAME QUESTIONS from the examiner as a computer recieved......then  SOME ANSWERS COME BACK to the participant from the issuing examiner man as human typing  .....some answers come back from a MACHINE........
(curtains Hide  MACHINES and EXAMINER person)

(the participant sees all answers on  a standard screen)

the examiner determines....... that the person candidate.....can't determine if a REAL PERSON answered by finger typing............or the MACHINE did auto intelligent typed answers....

........i expect there may be a template of 10 or 20 questions and TIMING....

after it's all done......in reasonable timing......THE tested COMPUTER is either "passed" for the Turing test or NOT...........(it gets a Turing test score)


i have an example of DOING the Turing test and passing.
(will try to search the clippings and post them here......maybe it's interesting)

maybe the TEST can help citizens in technology sufficing "know how"..  THis above has helped me.


« Last Edit: December 28, 2020, 07:38:01 AM by vinceASPECT »

Offline andyj

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Re: Turing test.
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2020, 07:55:50 AM »