i'd like to use it (abiword), but even if i am not an experimented user of abiword, it has not some functionalities that i am used to use with openoffice; f.ex. quotation marks and apostrophes are not supported in several languages, and i am writing in almost 4 languages for which i need 4 different quotation marks' and apostrophes' styles without using the insert menu function or the copy/paste one at each time. Otherwise, my experience with abiword was not so good (maybe it's me) as f.ex. when i have to import a doc document with graphics and so on; it takes a long time to load, and it forces me to reformate the document in most of the cases (footnotes messed up each time, and to reformate footnotes with abiword is really a pain). Last but not least: it will be a detail for you folks, but the (smooth or non-smooth) scrolling functionality in abiword is really something that sucks. That's why i got back to openoffice writer which deserve my purposes without too much time lost. So spliting the oo2.tczl extension would enable me to reduce memory storage without any loss of productivity.