Hi Rich

the exitcheck.sh command is a nice, let me call it: "workaround". Thats not the solution i want to have because on mostly every linux or bsd system the way to restart or shutdown from a user is "sudo reboot/shutdown". So mostly as a normal behavior or how I learned it and how to act accordingly from the subconscious and excuse me if I say so but I don't want to learn and memorize a new command that only works for a single system like microsoft stuff.I would like to use the command that is usually standard under a linux system:
sudo reboot/shutdownI have some Questions about the reboot/shutdown behavior of tinycorelinux. The "rc.shutdown" is the only command/script which runs at reboot/shutdown. Is this "rc.shutdown" name hardcoded?
Why is myscript not executed and also other scripts before the "rc.shutdown" starts after i have send a reboot/shutdown command to the system?
I think i have correctly inittab configured seen in the first post of this thread.
Thanks a lot