... Is there any way to persist the entire disk's data? Once and for all.
Yes, switch to a Linux distro that was designed to work that way.
Trying to force Tinycore to work that way will eventually cause problems.
Running Tinycore that way is not supported here.
If you try to run it that way, you would need to resolve any problems on your own.
... But first I'd like to know what you mean by "you should make your own local extension"?Does fireflysung.tcz do it that way?How do you do that?
I feel I answered that in reply #11:
http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,24132.msg152359.html#msg152359It shows how to unpack and repack an extension using geany.tcz as an example. Take some time to read it and study what is going on.
To make a local extension, create a work directory containing the the directory structure you want:
mkdir -p package/usr/share/fonts
Copy files:
cp *.ttf package/usr/share/fonts
Then package it:
mksquashfs package/ My-Favorite-Fonts.tcz -noappend