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Old Computers = false ecology

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all our technology is built on mistakes
because of patent monopolies,
alternative reactor models with low security make the world more insecure.

the only way for technology to develop correctly;

"World health organization" like name "Establishment of world common technology organization


--- Quote from: hiro on July 27, 2020, 06:03:51 AM ---and one very important advisor: turn off your computer safely sometimes. and all other devices you have at home. as long as there's light you could read a nice book, for example  UNIX: A History and a Memoir by Brian W. Kernighan. hahaha.

--- End quote ---

Guess what?  I agree and I have that book.  I absolutely love Prof. Kernighan's writing style.  Right next to it is the classic 1983 "UNIX Programming Environment" feat Rob Pike co-author.  And any other number of good Unix book authors.   Something about staring at paper with good lighting, instead of the screen seems to make things sink in a bit faster for me.  Maybe even a bit more meaningful compared to online material that is surrounded by distracting click-bait.

Since I'm more of a user than a programmer, I didn't realize that the first half of the book is for mere mortals!  For decades!  It wasn't until about 5 years ago that I picked up the paperback.  STILL highly useful.  I wish they'd reprint it in hardback in volume again.

Doug McIlroy called Brian an "expositor par excellence" in regards to unix.  There are some great videos online with him today where his good-natured character just makes you wish you could have worked with that crew back then.  Or take a class with him today in a university setting - he's still teaching I believe.

Interesting thing about that early crew:  So good natured and full of grace.  They were allowed / paid just to be themselves and at that time, no commercial pressure or interest - just do research and maybe someday something might come out of it.  Sure did!

creating a better operating system
it is either a job that will be simple or it is possible with an artificial intelligence that can do the work of 1000 software engineers.


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