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Old Computers = false ecology
Over the years, I've seen various recommendations to use TinyCore, or other small distros as a great way to keep old computers alive and kicking.
Nevermind the fact that they run great on modern hardware too, but quite often that is the only "selling point" in reviews, and quite frequently touted as a great way to keep the machine out of the landfill.
"Saving the planet" with old computers is false ecology.
The "carbon footprint" to make those older machines in the first place is much larger than modern equivalents to start with. THEN, there's the power-draw, which can be up to TEN TIMES worse than a modern computer. Nevermind the power/performance ratio operationally.
So you really aren't doing the planet any favors. If I kept my wall-sized PDP 11/780 proudly running all these years as my sole computer, the harm I did to the planet would be immense - even if I could afford the power bill.
What concerns me about recommendations to use TinyCore with older computers is not so much with the one-off machine dragged out of Grandpa's closet, but something more problematic.
My main concern is the temptation to divert e-waste, and try to reintroduce gas-guzzlers back into the ecosystem - all under the pretense of ecology. TC and others are quite capable of providing that life support to these ancient things that should have been shredded long ago.
It's a sad fact of today's world. E-waste diversion, like supplying "rejuvenated" toxic lead-acid batteries to the underpriveleged, is likewise bad for a number of obvious reasons.
All I'm saying is that when plans to make tiny linux distros the "planet savers of the people", think again.
Just realized I may have stated my concern incorrectly about diverting e-waste (which is a good thing rather than just going to the dump).
What I'm talking about is siphoning-off hardware out the back door from the normal e-waste stream.
What might have been avoided by not being able to boot something like Knoppix, TC and others can provide the opportunity to siphon off the REALLY old guzzlers. Beware.
i agree, and that's why every 10 years or so i buy a new computer for 100$. thankfully the architectures have stayed so far compatible. but i often run older software, modern software (given more power available) is often wasting more resources.
I tend to do the same, but mainly because they are waay more convenient to use.
Use what makes you happy. I have an older machine I'm comfortable with, and it's not because it cost $$ and is worthless now, except for nostalgia. Look at my membername - I get a real kick out of running old software (*nix itself!) on modern gear.
I'm just wary of attempts to repurpose trash on a wholesale basis, using small efficient distros, without regards to the ecosystem as a whole. "Look, Libreoffice thrashing with only 512mb of ram! That xvga crt monitor looks a little diagonal, but just put a book under one end. On a 20 year old computer pulling current like crazy compared to just handing out a raspberry-pi with a wallwart to the needy...
Anyway, I've made my point - you guys get my drift. I'll stop...
There is so much free energy in the soil that you cannot think of. :)
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