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Author Topic: bootlocal.sh permission denied  (Read 22709 times)

Offline kirin-rex

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Re: bootlocal.sh permission denied
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2019, 01:06:21 AM »
Hi, thank you for the clarification.  I can understand about the terminal codes and sudo.  Thank you.

The "ifconfig" was a typo.  The actual code I used had no space there.

As for the spaces in "udhcpc -i wlan0 -t10", I don't know what to tell you.  All I know is that after deleting the spaces, I connected to the wifi.  Maybe it was just a fluke, but I repeated the process on all the laptops and they all connected.

Offline kirin-rex

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Re: bootlocal.sh permission denied
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2019, 02:25:16 AM »
I went back and tried it your way.  Got rid of "sudo" and put back the spaces in the final bootlocal.sh code ... and it still worked!  Not sure why that didn't work last time I tried it (must be some other error I was making), and actually surprised it worked without the spaces.  Either way, wifi is working on all computers with the proper codes.  So for future reference, let's see if I have this straight now ...

1.  Install wpa=supplicant.tcz using a wired connection.

2.  in order to save changes to bootlocal.sh, use terminal to enter the following codes

Code: [Select]
sudo chown tc:staff /opt/bootlocal.sh
sudo chmod 775 /opt/bootlocal.sh

3.  add the following code to bootlocal.sh (in /opt/) and save

Code: [Select]
ifconfig wlan0 up
wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/home/tc/wifi.cfg -Dwext -B
udhcpc -i wlan0 -t 10

3.  create a document in editor called wifi.cfg and save it in the /home/tc/ folder.  In it is the following script

Code: [Select]

and substitute my actual wifiname and password.  I put the wifiname and password in quotations.

Again, thanks for clarifying all this for me, and for helping me do this the right way, skip unnecessary things, and get the code right.

Offline Rich

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Re: bootlocal.sh permission denied
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2019, 09:22:23 AM »
Hi kirin-rex
I went back and tried it your way.  Got rid of "sudo" and put back the spaces in the final bootlocal.sh code ... and it still worked!  Not sure why that didn't work last time I tried it ...
I've had the same thing happen to me. Something doesn't work. Change it, it works. Change it back, it still works.

... So for future reference, let's see if I have this straight now ...
That looks right.

... Again, thanks for clarifying all this for me, and for helping me do this the right way, skip unnecessary things, and get the code right.
You are welcome.