Raspberry Pi port, piCore-15.0 is available!
... When you start TC you have 13 choices if you chose #1 and you want to go on TTY1 or consol 1 without using the terminal What is the command.On most of ubuntu you use ctrl+alt+f1 and you are in and to go out ( f7 ) do you have command like that on TC?? ...
... I learn That with choise #12 you are in console mode How do you go backin graphique mode from there. ...
... Is all that information is in the TC book and all the 13 choices explain for newbe ?? ...
tce-load -i Xvesa flwm_topside wbar atermstartx
Thanks PDP-8 and Coreplayer2I fix my main computer and my wife is happy.
... Can you tell me if I can use the Debian ref.bookfor learning the basic command and if TC