Got the 60z Presario up and running. I've been wanting to do this, so thanks Althus for prodding me.
We only need to download three things and put them in our onboot.lst:
1) rfkill.tcz
2) firmware-atheros.tcz
3) wifi.tcz
NOTE: I'm assuming that one is using a wired ethernet and the APPS program to download and install these programs and all their automatically downloaded related dependencies, not just cherry-picking only these three from a download repository!
On this machine(s), before we try to use rfkill, we press and hold the wifi button for 2 seconds. Even though the led status color light does not change, rfkill will now work properly on it.
If you try to use rfkill *before* holding down the button for 2 seconds, partial unblocking may drive you insane.
At the terminal (after you have pressed the wifi button for 2 secs and released)
sudo rfkill unblock all
Now fire up the wifi icon, and it will scan and display access points. And the wifi led will turn blue instead of orange. Upon disconnect, it will turn orange again.
Sure enough, one might try to use rfkill without hitting the switch, and see only one softblock removed, and the rest still hardblocked. 'Gotta wake up the switch physically before to make it work all the way.
sudo rfkill list
But hitting the wifi button for 2 seconds, and not having the switch provide any feedback is un-intuitive.
Run sudo rfkill unblock all, and you will see them all unblocked now. Sure enough, the Atheros wifi works fine.