Thanks althalus,
In Ubuntu, after mounting the iso with "Archive Mounter", and after clicking on tinycore.gz,
(using Archive Manager) "tinycore.cpio" is displayed showing type: "CPIO archive"
But after repacking the unarchived folders using:
find | sudo cpio -o -H newc | gzip -2 > ../tinycore.gz
and after going through the above process again,
"tinycore" is displayed showing type" "unknown".
After a minor change to /etc/skel/.ashrc, the size of
the new .iso jumped from 10.7 MB (11177984 bytes)
to: 19.7 MB (20635648 bytes)
Was tinycore???.iso packaged using Windows software?
Because the tinycore.gz files are different when packaged using
the refered web-sites instructions.
Why the big difference?