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Author Topic: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?  (Read 40336 times)

Offline labeas

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #45 on: June 24, 2019, 11:35:15 AM »
Coreplayer 2 wrote:-
> To eliminate any doubt of the Grub UEFI install process,  I grabbed
> an old 7GB USB thumb drive and plugged it in to a PC running
> TinyCorePure64 (this step is important)
> Given that both your notebooks have UEFI I recommend starting over
> creating an EFI bootable USB.
> This EFI only method doesn't require CSM mode within the BIOS/Firmware..

I'll exercise this later and report my results.

Right now I need Wifi capability for the now TC64 <Aptio 2018>.
Apparently my recent attempted post/query failed:
 How to install Wifi to the <Aptio 2018> laptop,
which does run Wifi under W10, but only shows an empty Xterm,
 for some seconds, when the <bar's> WifiIcon is activated.
PS. opera-12 has a nicer rendering than the <Aptio 2015> laptop.

Offline Juanito

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #46 on: June 24, 2019, 12:31:49 PM »
Please make your wifi help request in a new post and tell us what hardware you have.

Offline labeas

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #47 on: June 24, 2019, 07:12:49 PM »
> Please make your wifi help request in a new post and tell us what hardware you have.
OK thanks, I'll dig-out my logs from the Vers 7 Wifi installation.
===> Previously composed:--
Do I remember correctly that TC assumes the user has a fixed-line
My TC64 vers 7?8 boot straight into <Xfdev>. but this:
 $ uname -r = 4.19.10-tinycore64  ; $ version = 10.0
starts in CLI mode.
Because I need mc to keep its setting from the previous session,
and TC has no way of knowing WHERE these setting are kept, I've
got my own install/setup procedure.
 I've got a dir of *.tcz and a script: ./InstallThese.
 Plus a script for installing my apps which are independent of TC.
Now I need to replace all Vers7?8 *.tcz with Vers10.
Amazingly, [most of] the old ones seem to run OK under Ver10.0.
So I need Wifi facilities, that match my firmware.
The <Aptio 2018> laptop which runs Wifi for Win10, gives some info for:
  dmesg | grep ireless  ; dmesg | grep 802

Offline coreplayer2

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #48 on: June 24, 2019, 07:51:36 PM »
I've got my own install/setup procedure.
 I've got a dir of *.tcz and a script: ./InstallThese.
 Plus a script for installing my apps which are independent of TC.
Now I need to replace all Vers7?8 *.tcz with Vers10.
Amazingly, [most of] the old ones seem to run OK under Ver10.0.
So I need Wifi facilities, that match my firmware.
The <Aptio 2018> laptop which runs Wifi for Win10, gives some info for:
  dmesg | grep ireless  ; dmesg | grep 802
All the above is of no consequence.

You'll need to run tce-install -wi wifi from the command line while connected via ethernet to correctly install the kernel compatible driver and other deps for TC-10 x86_64  and your latest notebook
Code: [Select]
tce-install -wi wifiOr grab wifi.tcz and all it's many dependencies from the latest TC-10 x86_64 ISO and install them using  tce-install -i wifi
Code: [Select]
tce-install -i wifi

Then run dmesg | grep wifi  to determine which firmware if any you need to install

then install the required firmware

Be sure to install wifi.tcz and firmware-xxxxx.tcz to your onboot.lst 

« Last Edit: June 24, 2019, 07:53:54 PM by coreplayer2 »

Offline Rich

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #49 on: June 24, 2019, 08:07:37 PM »
... Because I need mc to keep its setting from the previous session,
and TC has no way of knowing WHERE these setting are kept, I've
got my own install/setup procedure. ...
Nonsense.  MC  keeps its settings in  ~/.config/mc/.  If you have a persistent  /home , settings are remembered because it is
persistent. If you have a non-persistent home , settings are remembered because it should be included in your backup.

Offline labeas

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #50 on: June 25, 2019, 03:25:06 AM »
Re. can TC restore </root saved setups> ?
Rich wrote:-
> Nonsense.  MC  keeps its settings in  ~/.config/mc/. 
> If you have a persistent  /home , settings are remembered because it is
> persistent. If you have a non-persistent home , settings are remembered
> because it should be included in your backup.
The verbatum extract from /media/sdb1/Setup4gs is:-
Code: [Select]
sleep 5
sudo rm -r /root/.config/mc
sudo cp -rf  /home/tc/.config/mc/  /root/.config/mc
# home was OK but not root ?
I'm guessing the problem is that I'm naughty:
 normally run as root.
Non-root is for the office-girls/FB-twitter-kiddies,
where they have [expensive to create] cartoons of PaperFolders
to represent Directories....
PS. you can handle "2 + 3 = 5" notation ?
Standard english prose does not suffice for techno-communication.

    [EDIT] Added code tags.  Rich
« Last Edit: June 25, 2019, 08:01:20 AM by Rich »

Offline Rich

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #51 on: June 25, 2019, 07:51:35 AM »
Hi labeas
Re. can TC restore </root saved setups> ? ...
To the best of my knowledge, TC does not discriminate against  /root  or any other directory. Open your  /opt/.filetool.lst  file
and add a line that says:
Code: [Select]
rootThen remove this stuff:
Code: [Select]
sleep 5
sudo rm -r /root/.config/mc
sudo cp -rf  /home/tc/.config/mc/  /root/.config/mc
Now run a backup and you should be set.

Offline labeas

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #52 on: June 27, 2019, 02:24:06 AM »
I've saved and hope to execute your instruction sequence within the
context of installing TCver10 PROPERLY.

>...TC does not discriminate against  /root  or any other directory.
That's why I didn't use the intended/proper way to install/run V7&8.
When I want to intall/use LinuxNativeOberon etc which TC knows nothing
about: I need to create my own/new Dirs. ..
Honestly, I don't remember the details of the PROPER way to
 install/restore. Eg, I don't use the <ExitPanel>.

Here's the new log for:
launch TC > comment out 3lines:setup mc > Exit:Shutdown;Backup;sdb1
> relaunch > Xterm:mc=NotFound > Run NewSetup which installs mc.tcz
> mc : nonRoot is setup; mc:Root is not!
My attempt to install V10 on a new USBstik, needs fetching all the
V10:*.tcz, possibly via Win10:Wifi; and exiting properly via the
<ExitPanel> appropriately set.
?!? But I can only see the <ExitPanel> because I have
  It's painfull to search/re-read the instructions after you're
used the thing for hundreds of hours.

Offline Rich

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #53 on: June 27, 2019, 07:36:31 AM »
Hi labeas
... Here's the new log for:
launch TC > comment out 3lines:setup mc > Exit:Shutdown;Backup;sdb1
> relaunch > Xterm:mc=NotFound > Run NewSetup which installs mc.tcz
> mc : nonRoot is setup; mc:Root is not! ...

You did not follow the instructions. Read my last post again. The first thing I told you to do was:

...  Open your  /opt/.filetool.lst  file and add a line that says:
Code: [Select]

Offline labeas

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #54 on: July 06, 2019, 01:46:48 AM »
> did you <mark Dir:root as needing to be saved?>

I can't remember, but it's the PRINCIPLE that matters:
 TC can't know where random apps save their setup-data.
More confusing for this thread which is about UEFI-installation - not mc:
I can't find my notes/logs of how2 extract *.tcz from *.iso

Offline Greg Erskine

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #55 on: July 06, 2019, 02:20:50 AM »
> did you <mark Dir:root as needing to be saved?>

I can't remember, but it's the PRINCIPLE that matters:
 TC can't know where random apps save their setup-data.
More confusing for this thread which is about UEFI-installation - not mc:
I can't find my notes<<<I use OneNote<<</logs of how2 extract *.tcz from *.iso

Offline Rich

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #56 on: July 06, 2019, 08:04:08 AM »
Hi labeas
... TC can't know where random apps save their setup-data. ...
Nor should it. It's your responsibility to add whatever needs to be saved to your backup.

... More confusing for this thread which is about UEFI-installation - not mc: ...
Then you should have brought it up in a separate thread and not this one.

Offline coreplayer2

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #57 on: July 06, 2019, 08:28:07 AM »
More confusing for this thread which is about UEFI-installation - not mc:
I can't find my notes/logs of how2 extract *.tcz from *.iso
Please, what is it under "Step 6" of this post you don't understand?

Offline labeas

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #58 on: July 13, 2019, 08:53:29 PM »
Sorry, I've been away solving other problems.
on: June 05, 2019, Juanito wrote:-
>> *  New/Experimental BIOS/UEFI dual bootStik =
>> "..grub/i386-pc*efi*gop.mod not found
>>     no suitable video mode found"

> It looks like you installed 32-bit grub (i386-pc) rather than 64-bit
>   (x86_64-efi) uefi?

My code & files are based on the 2015 Dec. article, which
AFAIK was for TC64. But YES ! I was focussing on the M$:UEFI:lockout
problem, and ALSO wanted to install TC32, as well as the latest TC64.
Perhaps because the M$:UEFI:lockout problem applies equally to TC64
& TC32, it never occured to me that I couldn't boot both 64 & 32
from the same GRUB. Didn't more experienced TC users, see that of
the several <grub.cfg entries> the 32bit one had it's files in a
different dir ?
  So TC64 boots & runs OK, but I need to install Wifi.
First trace the firmware via: dmesg | grep <keyWord>
.... and installing TC32 needs a different grub ?
Where is THAT grub ?

Offline coreplayer2

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Re: legacy bios/uefi dual boot usb stick ?
« Reply #59 on: July 13, 2019, 10:39:05 PM »
it never occurred to me that I couldn't boot both 64 & 32
from the same GRUB.
and installing TC32 needs a different grub ?
Where is THAT grub ?
OK labeas, Heads up!

Yes you can boot both TC-10-x86 and  TC-10-x86_64 from Grub2 (but you must install the 64bit version of grub2)
Please don't use TC10-x86 (32bit) version of grub2, it only for old 32bit EFI firmware, specifically early and limited manufactured Apple MacBook 32bit EFI firmware.  I am not aware of any other Intel based hardware that ever used a 32bit EFI.    A PC which has a 32bit EFI firmware requiring a 32bit EFI grub2 is an extremely rare species and I doubt very much if you have one of these.  So Please don't use the grub2 32bit version on any modern 64bit hardware.

From Grub2  "64 bit version installed from corepure64"
   you may run any and all these TC versions
       TC-10-x86        (tinycore 32bit)
       TC-10-x86_64  (core64)
       TC-10-x86_64  (corepure64)

Didn't more experienced TC users, see that of
the several <grub.cfg entries> the 32bit one had it's files in a
different dir
The only way to boot either 32bit or 64bit TC versions is for each version to have a dedicated TCE directory,  I noticed but that is the correct way to accomplish multi boot scenario.

In fact I run the last three 8,9 & 10 TC versions each with "tinycore 32bit", "Core64" & "Corepure64" editions from my current USB Stick(s) using grub2 (64bit)
Each version and each architecture runs from a dedicated tce directory.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2019, 11:05:31 PM by coreplayer2 »