Project status:
The original instructions/code dates from 2015.
Who has got a CURRENTLY working version?
What version/S of TC does it boot?
What version/date of firmware/<Aptio> was confirmed?
I made a mistake in trying to combine
"legacy bios/uefi dual boot" with installing TC32bit.
I've read that <this new stuff>/EFI is not for 32bit ?
It has been suggested that:
> You don't mention which version so here are links for TC10:
>> I've not yet used TC64 ver10, I should try
bios/uefi-dual-boot with the files that other colaborators
have confirmed.
How do I quickly see which TC64 version I'm currently running?
-> uname -a == Linux box 4.2.9-tinycore64 #1999 SMP
Mon Jan 18 19:59:34 UTC 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I believe that my tests show that I can handle the <EFI/secure boot>
with my <Aptio 2018> laptop; so if I can see the URL-fetch, and
location w.r.t. the grub.cfg [and sizes for confirmation] of files
which are cormfirmed by other user/s, then I too could succeed.
We all made a booboo in not realising that the grub.cfg
menuentry "<title>" { <kernel Line> <initrd Line> }
After editing/fixing the entry: the "waitusb=10" parameter is
indeed seen to be running by <displaying the count down>.
I'm optimistic that my <Aptio 2018> system. will boot the 3-line-entry:
menuentry "corepure64" {
linux /boot/vmlinuz64 quiet text tce=<UUIDarg>/tce64 waitusb=10:<UUIDarg>
initrd /boot/rootfs64.gz /boot/modules64.gz
if I can get the same files as confirmed by other TC-user/S.
Meanwhile I'll start with these: