I wanted to replace aterm with a terminal that supported TTF font scaling, even though I'm running the bare Xvesa / XFbdev and not a full xorg.
Since aterm does not support TTF fonts, don't bang your head against the wall. RXVT, it's successor, does. And, the Tinycore images already have the Luxi true-type font baked in.
Installation and configuration was super easy on TC 8.2.1
1) Install the rxvt.tcz from your favorite repo.
2) Edit your
~/.Xdefaults file with the following additions:
URxvt*font: xft:Luxi Mono: size 16
URxvt*foreground: white
URxvt*background: black
3) Take care with the font line, and change the size to whatever you need.
This is not a full treatise on every rxvt option, but should be enough to whet your appetite.

Interestingly enough, if you do
xset q
you'll see the font paths, but doesn't point to the TTF font directory. The Luxi font is baked in (/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/), and merely installing rxvt seems to pick up on the built-in Luxi fonts automatically.
On my low end box, the TTF fonts are obviously a GREAT improvement over the standard X11 fonts, but I'm not doing anything special like using xorg or going bananas with font hinting, lcd filtering etc. Changing foreground and background colors to less contrasty combinations tends to hide small imperfections, such as a black foreground on a gray background. Not pretty, but gets the job done!