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Thank you everyone for help.
Because mplayer doesn't support https protocol I have to create this simply script that sends url to wget and then to mplayer.
usage: yt
--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
tce-load -iw ca-certificates
tce-load -iw wget
tce-load -iw python
rm /home/tc/1.txt
youtube-dl -f 18 -g "$1" > /home/tc/1.txt
url=`cat /home/tc/1.txt`
wget --no-check-certificate $url -O - | mplayer -
--- End code ---
If you want to watch youtube live streams with m3u8 protocol (HTTP Live Streaming) you have to use vlc3 because only it supports https. MPlayer 1.3 support m3u8 but without https.
Neonix.i have got absolutely no idea what your talking about .....the post i made (reply 14) prior to your last reply 15 ... that 14 reply works perfectly with mplayer youtube videos in both win32 and Linux.
Your comments in 15 about mplayer not doing https protocols garbage.
Your script may or may not work but i DO know that wget does indeed have issues with https.
The mplayer command to play a stream from my earlier instructional post 14 .......can be as follows below
$mplayer -vo directx -zoom -really-quiet -aspect 16:9 "Large Video Link as described in my earlier instructional post 14"
examples below........
$mplayer -vo directx -zoom -really-quiet -aspect 16:9 ""
OR SAY......
$mplayer -vo sdl -zoom -really-quiet -aspect 16:9 ""
and you press "F" to flip between full screen or not.
These methods above play the youtube video in any quality on any media player on any platform.
This post here (16) is nothing concerning live youtube streams just regular youtube videos.
if anybody is interested also......i figured a way to play LIVE youtube video streams in mplayer.
You need the very latest youtube-dl version and you give it the live youtube link and it will list live stream URL otions as a result. So as below......
a) ...............$youtube-dl (live youtube video link here) -F [enter]
b) then use a command with any of the options (93) from the results of a) above to get the true link as below
...................$youtube-dl -f 93 -g (the same live youtube video link here) [enter]
c) part b) above gives you a new URL ending in DOTm3u8.........then just past that URL into mplayer as below here in d)
d)...............$mplayer -vo gl -zoom -aspect 16:9 -cache 4096 -xy 184 -noborder -really-quiet -ontop "THE LONG VIDEO M3U8 URL LINK HERE" [enter]
The live youtube video will play in mplayer.
You can choose what XY size of video screen you want.......and if your PC is good you can flip between fullscreen by pressing "F"............otherwise you can start again from scratch and put the -fs switch into your mplayer arguments list to get instant fullscreen (it should work)
These DOTm3u8 video links should also open in VLC and Kodi etc. Kodi requires that you paste the link into a text file and save as say Video.m3u. Then in kodi you navigate to that FILE and open will stream the live video.
example below
...............$mplayer -vo gl -zoom -aspect 16:9 -cache 4096 -xy 184 -noborder -really-quiet -ontop ",ipbits,expire,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,cmbypass,goi,sgoap,sgovp,hls_chunk_host,ei,playlist_type,gcr,initcwndbps,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl/signature/89E65150D22CE6CE45F3284B7B74C311BA6C6CF8.2EC0DCAC4B9F3F4E14B1B2E3E98F2876E9130D10/key/dg_yt0/playlist/index.m3u8"
--- Quote from: vinceASPECT on January 23, 2019, 02:43:33 PM ---Hello
Neonix.i have got absolutely no idea what your talking about .....the post i made (reply 14) prior to your last reply 15 ... that 14 reply works perfectly with mplayer youtube videos in both win32 and Linux.
Your comments in 15 about mplayer not doing https protocols garbage.
Your script may or may not work but i DO know that wget does indeed have issues with https.
--- End quote ---
Hi Vin
I assume you are a Windows user. But in Linux (TC8) when I use https url with Mplayer 1.3 I got
--- Code: ---https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls,
or securetransport enabled.
--- End code ---
Is there a way to compile latest Mplayer with https support?
which mplayer extension are you using?
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