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mplayer updated to 1.3.0 as mplayer-cli and mplayer (gtk2) added

..seems to work with youtube-dl https links

Yes Neonix, i sincerely appologise and it's as Juanito stated.......i am talking from the standpoint of win x64 mplayer. 

It's strange since it all works fine on win x64.  mplayer.

 I always assumed things like mplayer were actually ahead of the game in Linux OS'a....not several versions behind other OS's. So i simply stated it worked in Linux because i assumed it would.

It seems Juanito has now upgraded the TCL mplayer with the required https support so that all of my earlier posts (14,16 etc) should now work ok on TCL mplayer.

I hope it works for sure. Since mplayer is so lightweight for dealing with youtube and lots of other media.
Neonix, i am sure your script can be modded slightly since TCL mplayer has now been upgraded.

I also messed around with different feed quality's when doing LIVE youtube links. VLC certainly does play them back without issue.....and mplayer does. I don't know if TCL's vlc version would do it but i tend to just stay with mplayer anyhow.




--- Quote from: Juanito on January 24, 2019, 03:49:35 AM ---mplayer updated to 1.3.0 as mplayer-cli and mplayer (gtk2) added

..seems to work with youtube-dl https links

--- End quote ---
I tested it in TC 9 x86 and TC 10 x86 and still get the same error:

--- Code: ---https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls,
or securetransport enabled.
--- End code ---
Did you install gnutls-dev before compilation?

Since it worked for me, could you supply an https link that doesn’t work?


--- Quote from: Juanito on January 26, 2019, 08:27:17 AM ---Since it worked for me, could you supply an https link that doesn’t work?

--- End quote ---
Tested in TC9 x86 with mplayer-cli.tcz

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