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AFAIK you can read the file as it is being written!
did you try just opening the file as it is down loading ? ...
--- Quote from: mocore on January 16, 2019, 12:53:43 PM ---
AFAIK you can read the file as it is being written!
did you try just opening the file as it is down loading ? ...
--- End quote ---
This is possible but not comfortable with very big and long videos.
I think you can get youtube-dl to just print the video url, which you can then access with mplayer.
I was thinking , youtube-dl is to download a video for watching thru a video player ! :)
1) If the only purpose of OP is to view streaming videos,then this may be helpful ( prvsly read from net , not used ):
--- Quote --- ... Livestreamer is a Command Line Interface that pipes video streams from various services into a video player, such as VLC, Mplayer. The main purpose of Livestreamer is to allow the user to avoid buggy and CPU heavy flash plugins but still be able to enjoy various streamed content.
--- End quote ---
--- Code: --- livestreamer
--- End code ---
2) Some intersting links :
Neonix.....i assume you did read the start of this whole thread....?
The answer to your later question is as Curaga stated to will give you just the "viewable" URL address to any video......from any youtube video link you give youtube-dl
You then just paste that address into any media player and it will Stream and play the video. It's not downloading such.
a) .............$youtube-dl (Some youtube video link) -F
.......that command above typed into your command prompt will show you all the LINKS for the particular youtube video link you gave it.
Then, for example below
b) ..............$youtube-dl -f 17 -g (same youtube video link)
.....That command above in (b) will give you the URL of a particular FILE FORMAT (option 17) of the youtube video link you gave to's an option you chose (17) from your listings results after executing command a) above
c) ...............You take that LONG URL LINK result from (b) and copy and paste it into the OPEN URL option of any media player like mplayer and the video will STREAM and play. It isn't really downloading the video file, it;s streaming it.
This stuff above is not true for ALL youtube videos. As the thread mentions, it's harder to playback LIVE youtube videos in media players.....but standard stuff works ok
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