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I don't know why it stops for you after 10 seconds.
I use that script pretty much every day to stream videos via smplayer. I made it due to laziness, in a non-lazy moment, so I don't have to remember the CLI options for video quality etc.
If it doesn't error out after 10 seconds when you use that script, instead of directly running mplayer with the content URL, you might be able to reproduce what the script does by checking which options are shipped over to mplayer.
I believe the  --cookie  option is kind of important also.

ahh Misalf...but are the movies you watch "live" streams from youtube? has an option called "live".

but anyhow, i have had a nightmare confirming with the BBC broadcasting corporation in the uk.......... about what types of youtube LIVE videos i am allowed to watch without a TV licence......there are some we can watch and some we can't...


Sorry, no idea if live streams would work. My limited bandwidth wouldn't suffice.
I usually stream short videos in very low quality for informational purposes only.

well, it's nothing to do with bandwidth since the live streams are available in the same formats as any youtube "previously recorded video"  (any regular youtube video) on their site

it's the Protocol that is different. Live streams use a different protocol which mplayer doesn't quite like...infact Vlc does not like it either...

apparently only MPV can do live YT streaming. (a fork) but it's unclear if even mpv now works since youtube regularly changes it's code

I know that the only way to watch LIVE youtube videos within googles supposed remit (so to speak) is to use chrome browser and it needs to be a very recent edition....(some derivates of chrome may work....maybe Slimjet etc) but not many......FF may work..


Is it possible to pipe youtube-dl output to mplayer? That I can watch video on-the-fly instead waiting until download end?


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