Hi Rich. Thanks for your reply. No, I did not try what you've suggested, but I've done that just now. There seems to be relevant information scattered throughout some of those posts, but the links I provided in my post seem to me more on-target for the project I'm discussing. Did you have in mind a particualr thread from among those results?
I may have introduced a bit of a red herrring in using the term "kiosk": maybe I should have said something along the lines of kiosk-like. You see, I am not really aiming to create a kiosk (in the sense of a dedicated device). Rather, I want this TC-plus-browser system to run pretty much as though it were a program on a desktop computer. Of course it will be slower due to its use of a VM, but otherwise it should look as much as possible just like a desktop application window. It is kiosk-like only in the sense that it runs in RAM, is non-persistent, and always boots into the same graphical view.
Perhaps I'll need to do some revision to my OP in order to make the aims clearer.