asyncio is the most important addition to Pyton's built-in module set. It makes possible to schedule a coroutine execution after a specified delay (which can be 0) or at absolute time. Coroutines can reschedule themselve, so you have a flexible tool to execute Python code in a future. It is built into distributions stating with 3.4 no external modules needed. See
Thanks. I did discover that page after you mentioned asyncio yesterday. My problem is, as originally mentioned, I was never a software engineer so my understanding of what the documentation is telling me is somewhat limited by my understanding of the terminology used. I came out of the Test Industry, so I am fairly comfortable with sequential programming and I can grasp some of the principles of object oriented and threaded programming, but I'm afraid that documentation leaves me a trifle baffled. To a lesser extent I have the same problem with the Tiny Core documentation which explains how to add an extension to the system. Last year, for example, I wanted to used the wiringpi2 Python Library, but was unable to build it as an extension so I ended up recoding in C; which turned out to be relatively easy in that case.
With the Raspberry Pi my skills have mainly been used on the system design and the development of the peripheral hardware. The code used has largely been based on modifying bits of existing code that I've been able to find on the Internet. I've done this quite a few times now with great success, and in this instance I found it extremely easy to build Python code that would do something at specific times, such as on the hour and at certain minutes before and after the hour. I did try using the sched Python Module, but as others found on various tech sites I found, apscheduler made for a much simpler and more flexible solution.
So the bottom line for me at the moment is either I work out how to build an extension for apscheduler or I stumble across an example of how to do what I want with asyncio.
Thanks for trying to help.