#1. I am using a Netbook laptop with tinycore+ installed, directly from the LiveCD. The laptop can connect to the Internet via
Ethernet or Wireless. OpenSSh is installed.
#2. I am using a RPi with piCore, connected to an external monitor and keyboard, both of which I am trying to eliminate.
That is called "headless", a very common configuration.
#3. Direct Ethernet connection between Netbook and RPi.
Do you mean the Netbook and RPi are physically connect together or via a router (easiest option)?
Assuming the Netbook is the ssh server and the RPi is the ssh client, what must I do to enable them to communicate with one another, step-by-step, on each end?
I look at the "headless" device as the server and the controlling device (monitor/keyboard) as the client.
There is really nothing to do!
Connect Netbook to LAN - Ethernet cable or wireless to router.
Connect RPi to LAN - Ethernet cable or wireless to router.
Both have ssh running by default. Type $ssh 192.168.1.xxx on Netbook terminal where 192.168.1.xxx is the IP of the RPi. You can use scp to copy files between computers.
If you have Windows PC use "putty" to connect to RPi. winSCp is a handy tool on PC. There are similar clients for MAC, iPad, etc. Anything on your LAN can control the RPi using the appropriate client software.