Team Tiny Core is proud to announce immediate availability of the second beta release of the piCore-8.0 edition.
With this release kernel is frozen, it will be used in final version (except really serious issue found).
- kernel updated to 4.4.15
- firmware updated to 20160715
- MicroPython updated to 1.8.2-19
- kernel updated to 4.4.14
- firmware updated to 20160626
- MicroPython updated to 1.8.1-90
- added ZBUD=y to kernel config
- on-board audio enabled by default
- VC I2C disabled by default
- serial console works on RPi3, using /dev/ttyS0, all other boards /dev/ttyAMA0
- serial console terminal emulation change from VT100 to linux
- kernel updated to 4.4.13
- e2fsprogs updated to 1.43.1
- MicroPython updated
- RPi firmware updated to 20160613
- kernel 4.4.11
- glibc 2.23
- BusyBox 1.24.2
- util-linux 2.28
- e2fsprogs 1.43
- MicroPython 1.8
- Perl 5.24
- GCC 6.1
TC scripts also updated to latest common base. Except ncurses which doesn't build properly all packages in the repo updated and rebuilt using the new toolchain, not just copied over from 6.x/7.x repos. Dependencies revised, may be different to previous versions. It means limited number of packages in the repo, e.g. Xorg and graphical stuff are missing.
Only one SD card image available, it works on all RPi boards. Download location: try it and share your experience, bugs found, etc.