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Author Topic: Where to download TinyCorePure64? Solved  (Read 5927 times)

Offline sharkey

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Where to download TinyCorePure64? Solved
« on: July 19, 2016, 01:25:25 AM »

I don't see TinyCorePure64.iso available from http://tinycorelinux.net/ports.html but I see it referenced in these forums.

Where can I obtain it?

Thank you,


ETA:  Found location http://tinycorelinux.net/7.x/x86_64/release/ but can't post yet

« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 01:45:36 AM by sharkey »

Offline Juanito

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Offline labeas

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Re: Where to download TinyCorePure64? Solved
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2016, 10:49:37 AM »
I've previously confirmed TC via RPi;
now I need to use it with a Win8.1 x64 which I was forced to buy
to be able to access the difficult ISP, in this 3rd-world location,
since my PC was stolen.

After the difficulty of going on-line, I expected Win8.1 & IE:
to give me the whole multi MB *.tcz,
which after expansion [some how],
would contain READMEs and executables to make an initial
 *TESTABLE* installation.
But since I only got a massive directory-listing, I just fetched
a few files, to pay for the on-line connection.

That's no good. The installation should consist of a number of
steps; EACH of which is confirmable by some test.

Also for teaching/knowledge-aquisition: what is the minimun
installation to get a <hello world> confirmation?

Copying visually, from the Win8.1's TC-fetched-Dir, I now see
mc-doc.tcz 446464, which I expect to be the doc for mc,
which perhaps this linux RPi can open-for-viewing ?

But how would I expand the <total>7.x.x86/_64/tcz
with Win8.1's facilities even if I could d/l the
whole single file?

Surely there's minimalist version, which doesn't contain
mc [my favourite - except for gpm ulitity].


Offline Juanito

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Re: Where to download TinyCorePure64? Solved
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2016, 11:03:11 AM »
Burn the iso from the url in my previous post to cd/dvd and boot from that.

Offline labeas

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Re: Where to download TinyCorePure64? Solved
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2016, 05:23:12 AM »
> Burn the iso from the url in my previous post to cd/dvd and boot from that.

I have problems writing cd/dvd on this Win8.1.
And prefer to go via USBstik.
Also CD/DVD seems less reliable that modern semiconductor.
Before my x86 system was stolen, I was very happy with USBbooting.
Also I'd like to write CT to the SD, which apparently can't be a booter,
as it's not recognised as a valid booter.

== Thanks,  Chris Glur.

Offline Juanito

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Re: Where to download TinyCorePure64? Solved
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2016, 06:30:55 AM »
I wasn't suggesting using the cd/dvd as a permanent solution, but rather as a way to have access to tc-install to make a bootable usb stick.

If you cannot burn a cd/dvd in windows, you could take a look at this:


Offline labeas

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Re: Where to download TinyCorePure64? Solved
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2016, 11:07:43 AM »
It seems impossibly difficult to navigate this forum today?!
I just wanted to confirm the I'm running TC-64.
The problem was solved by disabling UEFI on the Win8.1-x64,
which allowed booting the USBstik.

Now I'd like to have a wget / lynx like minimalist http-fetcher,
and NNTP client. But  first how to test if TC <goes on line>.

Thanks for TC.

Offline Juanito

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Re: Where to download TinyCorePure64? Solved
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2016, 12:10:56 PM »
The problem was solved by disabling UEFI on the Win8.1-x64,
which allowed booting the USBstik.

Usually you can press one of the function keys - F12 on my laptop - to select whether to boot with legacy bios or uefi.

Now I'd like to have a wget / lynx like minimalist http-fetcher,
and NNTP client. But  first how to test if TC <goes on line>.

The base corepure64 contains wget. By <goes on line> do you mean to use an ethernet wired or wifi connection?

Offline labeas

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Re: Where to download TinyCorePure64? Solved
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2016, 12:44:48 PM »
I'm just commenting to my own comment:--
I'm surprised that TC has such a FLASHY <forum tool>.
How would I best get up to the level where I could use TC to
address the TC forum?

So far my TC-system [or perhaps I'm the limiting factor] can do:
* check devices: fdisk -l
* what is mounted: df
* editor: yet another syntax
* mount, umount ....

IMO the most essential app, after gpm - which comes with X,
is mc. How would I get that?

I CAN'T operate on-line [apparently the main idea of TC];
so I'm building a file-tree of executables on the USBstik.

So far TC is the only linux which got to X, on this cursed Win8.1-x64
via a USBstik, and my prefered IDE/editor: wily needs X.

I'm finding difficulty with the man/tutorials, and have several *.pdf
in the Win8.1 TC dir which are all dud to Win8.1, and which I suspect
are <tutorials>. IMO TC's tutorials should be in plain text?

Offline nitram

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Re: Where to download TinyCorePure64? Solved
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2016, 03:30:29 PM »
Welcome labeas.

I'm surprised that TC has such a FLASHY <forum tool>.
How would I best get up to the level where I could use TC to
address the TC forum?
You're already addressing the forum. Most any browser works, even links and dillo.

So far my TC-system [or perhaps I'm the limiting factor] can do:
Run  busybox  command to see available BusyBox commands, press tab key twice to see all available commands. That's just base install, you'll need to install .tcz extensions for additional software. If you have graphic access run Apps, if you don't run tce-ab. Best to read the Core book linked on the homepage.

I CAN'T operate on-line [apparently the main idea of TC];
so I'm building a file-tree of executables on the USBstik.
Sounds complicated and typically unnecessary. Why are you unable to get online and install extensions?