I have a Raspi2 using piCore6 6.1beta1. Also I have a USB device (CO2 sensor) which is permanently connected to the Pi as a HID. Now I have the following udev-rule to assign permissions to a group and to create a symlink:
ACTION=="remove", GOTO="co2mini_end"
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04d9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="a052", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0660", SYMLINK+="co2mini%n", GOTO="co2mini_end"
This is working fine when I connect the USB device at runtime. Then the udev rule is executed and I get my symlink and permissions for group "plugdev". But the problem is that the udev does not seem to fire at boot time when the USB device is connected already. Then I only have it as /dev/hidraw0 but the symlink does not get created and also the permissions are not set.
Could please help me out what the problem could be that the rule is not executed at boot time?
Thanks guys!